( Part 1 ) — Manifesting’s Grand “Conspiracy”

Before we get into this article, we’ll go out on a limb and say: The tool — the LWL Tools Post #5 TOOL… that one Barry teased you with in the last video — it is a coming your way this week. Promise! šŸ™‚

It turned out, however, due to a lot of interesting prompts from the other side (and, no we ain’t a talkin’ about the guy on the cloud with the white flowing beard), this article needed to be written first.

So, here goes (find your favorite drink, shut off the T.V., lock the door to your office if you can and, dive in):

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At the end of the video embedded in the blog post before this one (dated Nov 19th), Barry showed a picture of an icebergā€¦ but not just the part that 90% of the world thinks about when they think of an iceberg.

The picture showed its (much larger) bottom part too — the foundational “hidden”Ā  part that floats beneath the deep, dark, shadowy icy waters, while the TOP white part gives the illusion of standing alone in the peaceful, tranquil sunlight.

You’ve likely been shown pictures like this before, or the deep-seated and widespread roots of a tree, and told how it illustrates our inner world sustaining our outer world — or how our roots create our fruits — which is all very true in the right context.Ā  But that’s only a part of the power in this imagery… and it can be misleading if you don’t understand that the maple tree can’t become an evergreen, and the iceberg can’t hang out in tropical Caribbean waters if it wants to exist for long.

What the picture also presents is an understanding of duality — the yin/yang “dark, hidden” side of our physical reality — that can have more functional control over your own life than a) you’ve been told and b) you’re probably ready to even hear about or investigateā€¦ unless, that is:

You’re truly open to dropping the same old, rah-rah pie-in-the-sky me-too rhetoric that permeates the spiritual-growth mentoring crowdā€¦ andā€¦ then be mature and brave enough to go from the “navel-gazing, self-absorbed” stage of manifesting to the responsible, considerate, spiritually-accountable manifestor who can accept that you are living in a flytrap reality.

If you haven’t already BS’ed yourself (or if the so-called Manifesting Mentor Elite hasn’t BS’ed you) into thinking that outside circumstances don’t affect your ability to create your own reality, click the Continue Reading link.

“Know that our world and everything we see in its compass and everything we can touch constitute only one half of the cosmos. The world we do not see is equal to ours in weight and measure, in nature and properties. From this it follows that there exists another half of man in which this invisible world operates. If we know of the two worlds, we realize that both halves are needed to constitute the whole man; for they are like two men united in one body.”

– Paracelsus

In other words, the RESULT of what you see in the physical always has a mutually-inclusive metaphysical (unseen) counterpart to it, often fueling or giving energy to the physical aspect of itself.Ā  A light-bulb filament gets charged by electricity, a water molecule gets formed by two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to a single oxygen atom, and to take it up several macrocosmic levels (notwithstanding the length of this article, we DO like getting to the point), experienced reality is created by perception of reality.

And, what is perception made of?

Simple… nothing more or nothing less than Thought Energy — vibrating particles swirling around in the heads of any human who’s ever put forth any effort to desire something, or think about what they want their world to be like, whether individually or on a grander “let me include some other people” scale.

Er, guess what? That’s anybody with a pulse.

This individual and collective thought energy is vibrating constantly, buzzing through the ethers like the air from an always-on/never-ending fan. The universe picks it up and reflects back to you exactly the same amount of proportionate energy that you put out.

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not emotional about it either šŸ™‚ It just is (your emotions affect it, but only because they affect you… it doesn’t give emotion back).Ā  As in, it doesn’t differentiate different types of energy in your life.Ā  We tend to agree with Neale Donald Walsh, of Conversations With God fame, who says that the universe, per se, is completely mechanical in its response to you.

To expand on this and ramp up the BS detector a little here, nor does it subscribe to the “it wants for you what you want for yourself” mantra that so many well-meaning, but parroting, teachers try and pass off. This idea is nothing more than spiritual gobbledygook and VERY misleadingā€¦ only adding to self-delusion.

We’ve seen way too many people fall into this enlightenment trance where they inoculate themselves from acknowledging, researching or knowing the details (the truth) about anything controversial, negative, or emotionally/mentally straining. The idea, in their way of thinking, is to present themselves as evolved crusaders of love and light, and superior to anybody who does, talks about, or engages in anything less than “uplifting” or “feel-good”.

We come across people in our community practically every week who take the all-or-nothing, what-my-guru-said-goes route to self-growth.Ā  They’re the ones who completely bypass the at-my-own-pace self-exploration fun train ride that COULD give them time to enjoy the view while soaking in what they’re experiencing.

Rather than approaching self-exploration from a position of strength, and allowing their logic, rationale, and critical intellect to help them sift and sort through what new information (i.e., CD, teleseminar, interview, book) to invest in and spend time on, they devour anything in sight delivered by a “guru figure” who presents themselves as being somehow superior to the student at hand.

The same flawed belief that tells them, “The more serene, peaceful and positive I am with life and others, the more the universe will care about, recognize and deliver on my desires” is the same flawed belief that tells them, “you only have to focus on what you want to completely control your reality.”

Again, without sounding like we’re intentionally trying to piss on anybody’s parade, universal laws are impartial and unemotional. This is why people who seemingly don’t deserve it (ex-cons) or aren’t playing the hard-core spiritual quest game (e.g., the people who don’t go to the popular, high-gloss seminars or buy every new metaphysical book of the week) can be master manifestorsā€¦ at the drop of a hat.

We’re completely aware that 90% of our LWL community has been told by popular stage-walking mentors thatĀ  Manifestation and Personal Peak-Performance is achieved by FOCUSING on internal energy, employing gratitude, visualizing wanted desires, and not reacting or giving attention to the undesirable scenes that are “out there”.

We once believed that as wellā€¦ as a matter of fact, since the inception of ManifestLife.com in early 2005, we’ve certainly had a lot of fodder to play around with — collective wisdom and conversational insight from multiple mentors that we’ve nibbled at, chewed on, sometimes gulped down, sometimes spit up, and even occasionally gargled with.

So, in honor of some of the profound, paradigm-shifting private discussions we had about things, we’re passing on some key morsels to you (but, not anything that we’ve spit up):

Most people manifest (consciously and unconsciously) from a position of programmed (not “real world”) knowledge.Ā  We didn’t come into this physical reality to isolate ourselves from others who don’t think like, talk like, or act like us… especially if the uncomfortable thought, discussion or deed causes us to withdraw from seeing it as part of ourselves.

Spiritual practice, like religion, can get out of hand to the point of pretentious bullshit, when we attempt to shun anything and anyone who offers information that doesn’t fit our self-imposed view of reality.

Here’s what somebody forgot to tell you:

Regardless of how much time and effort you spend in tidying up your “inner world”, the physical world continues to roll on outside of you and independent of you. Obvious to most of you reading this, hopefully! Nonetheless, something very slight worth pointing out, as we think this logic escapes some people.

After all, don’t the so-called big name Manifestation Gurus tell us all that we have the innate power to mold, shape, and form the world around us from the inside-out? Of course!

Yet, not if we’re so thick-headed and self-serving that we don’t give a shit about the big-picture OUTSIDE (the world we perceive that we have no control over) and aren’t curious enough to figure out how to discern our own self-designed life (reality) from it.

Recently Barry had an email exchange from a community member who was bent on telling us how disappointed he is in some of the emails, blog posts, and reports that we research and write that don’t (to sum up his complaint in a few words) “leave a good taste in his mouth.”

He also went on to say that us explaining how there are hidden “outside forces” that regulate and manipulate the truth behind our political, corporate, and financial systems is “too conspiratorial for his taste.

He’s a ManifestLife portal member, and we introduced the idea of a flytrap reality — a false reality, a fantasy, that is provided by the media, institutionalized eduction and licensed authorities at all levels — about a year ago.

If you didn’t have access to our private, members-only portal then, you wouldn’t have read about it from us.

We always find it amusing when somebody clings onto their own little boxed-in interpretations of the world for the pure sake of trying to maintain their own status quo under the umbrella of social proof.

As this portal member told us: “Well, Proctor, Ray, Canfield and all the others tell us that we’re 100% responsible for everything that happens to us and that we have absolute reality-creating control over our life.

Well, excuse us, but the last time we checked, James Ray doesn’t think like that. In his interview with Barry, he emphatically states that OUTSIDE circumstances ARE the RESULTS of the inner-world of the collective…. In other words, the “unseen” OUTSIDE world is directly tied to our personal “unseen” INSIDE world, and everybody we’re directly tied to, in more ways than most care to know.

And in Heather’s interview with Jack Canfield, he talked about a formula that Heather has passed on to you guys many times by now… E + R = O (Event + Reaction = Outcome).Ā  In the interview, Heather “nutshelled” this by saying that you don’t control the Event, but you control your Reaction to it, and that affects the Outcome… and Jack agreed.

In other words, your personal small-picture outer-world reality (Outcome) is affected by your inner-world Reaction, but you still never get to control the original big-picture outer-world reality (Event).

Telling us that we’re fear-mongering and conspiracy hacks for bringing forth unbiased, non-mainstream information about life, history, government, freedom, and the core-level underpinning of universal laws and the mind is the equivalent of saying there’s a grand international conspiracy amongst Manifestation teachers to force feed the same simplistic feel good gumball down people’s throats that The Secret keeps gagging people with.

While we do agree that a lot of mentors selling personal-growth and metaphysical how-to information are self-serving and give followers just enough information (usually ego-coddling woo-woo stuff) to come constantly back for more, the last time we checked, Canfield and his buddies at the Transformation Council didn’t sit around at some exotic island, smoking cigars, coming up with a super-scheme to dupe the masses.

Yeah, sure… agreed… we definitely DO need less copy-cat teachers trying to spoon-feed their readers with only stuff that they think they want to hear: as in 100% Polly-AnnaishĀ  sizzle about how they can get whatever they want out of life, or affect change for the greater good by ONLY concentrating on or taking action on their INNER state.

Look, let’s face it: it’s always more appealing and comfortable to think that in being a part of the conscious creation/law of attraction brotherhood/sisterhood (whatever the hell that is), we can define our own safe, protective rules and create interesting laws which bow down to us, rather than us bowing to themā€¦ all that makes us feel in control.

Well, that’s false deceptive controlā€¦ if you really want to have infinite control and a connection to unyielding inner-strength, quit ignoring what the hell is TRULY going on around you (good, bad, or ugly).

In order to thrive as self-reliant, free-thinking, powerful manifestor, we must make a pact to take an iconoclastic stance on what we intuitively know to be questionable…

In other words, it’s imperative we SEE the world we live in with eyes wide open.

We become empowered when we have put ourselves in a position to overcome, adapt, and improvise around NEW information that might actually not feel too good (like bad medicine) when going down the hatch.

“We allow manipulated beliefs to infiltrate our sense of reality and thus attract the same experienced reality. This is how we are manipulated into victim mode and the mind-prisons of religion, politics, race, and so on, by accepting the implantation of belief.”

– David Icke

The truth about what events have taken place, especially over the past 50 or so years, to create a global, Orwellian, fascistĀ  state of existence, ain’t gonna feel too good. Not only, if you chose to LOOK, will you find that, like Jim Carrey’s character in The Truman Show, you’ve been conditioned to see only what you’re meant to see, butā€¦ you’ll have a greater understanding of what our friend and fellow self-improvement writer, Roger Haeske once told our community:

“Yes, definitelyā€¦ it’s the best way to find a solution to a problem. You focus on what you want not on the problem. It’s the best way to manifest what you want out of life, but I don’t believe it’s going to give you absolute control of every aspect of your life.

Remember, there are many other people out there manifesting and creating through their own thoughts and actions. There’s no question that someone else’s and in fact the group creation affects others in the group. At least here in this physical reality.

Yes I know these thoughts are not shared by all of the manifestation teachers, but I think if we simply analyze things objectively including adding the influence of our own thoughts and actions, we’ll see that we don’t have absolute control. How would that even be possible? Our absolute control would be over-ridden by someone else’s absolute control of everything.

Do we expect to break the laws of nature simply through believing it? I still haven’t seen any humans flying, just through the power of thought. (And dreams don’t count. )

Do we expect to rewrite any governmental laws simply by visualizing it to be so? Let’s get realistic and not live in complete fantasy.

Do what you wish with the information about conspiracy theories. I believe it’s good to at least know and not live in the illusion they are creating for the general public.”

Okay, before this gets too long (don’t worry, we’re sure we’ll being doing a Part 2, as there are always great debates and discussion around stuff like this), we have to say something else:

Ultimately, the key in manifesting any thing, even with the awareness of there being forces beyond our control, is purity of INTENTION.

Visualization, focused thoughts, meditation, gratitude, etc. (tools) all make up the patterns available to us (they’re what turn on that photocopy machine); yet, it’s our personal expectations and our heart-connection that determines what we actually create and experience (i.e., if the machine will output precisely what we’ve input. Meaning, what we feel we should receive, or how we should receive it and when.)

The more tools of the trade we employ on a consistent basis, the faster we can get the universe to turn on the universal photocopy machine. When we manifest from the heart, however, it connects us to our higher-self/soul and the choices (the output) are much less likely to be either hollow, shallow, or detrimental to ourselves or those around us.

To read PART 2, of Manifesting’s Grand Conspiracy” CLICK HERE

Your Partners in the Quest For
Living a Life Without Limits,

Barry and Heather

Filed under: Critical-Thinking, Manifestation

45 Responses to “( Part 1 ) — Manifesting’s Grand “Conspiracy””

  1. Wow! This throws a lot of light on the mis-perceptions around manifestation. Lots of content for further insights and new understandings. Thanks for your courage and committment.

  2. I appreciate your critical thinking on the subject of manifesting. I agree that alot of what is being said(taught) about the subject of creating our reality is sugar coated half truths. Thank you!

  3. Dear Barry & Heather,

    One important aspect of reality is Karma, that age old part of our Vedic philosophy. One has certain Karmas that delay or curtail responses to your manifestation efforts. This is one part of life that cannot be wished away. What has been done in past lives and even this life affects ones current situation. This also explains why some ‘undeserving’ people get the best out of life even if they have been atrocious in their dealings and have treated people cruelly.

    The good part is that when one does all that has been ‘prescribed’ for manifesting wealth or peace or whatever in life, it leads to one becoming a calmer person by meditating and thinking positively. One is then able to take a lot of life’s adversities in ones stride, which is Karma playing itself out. This is a kind of inner cleansing or detoxification that gets you prepared for getting the good that you get thereafter. If any ‘Guru’ claims that he will manifest things instantaneously, he is ‘dern tooting’. That could happen for some people but not for all, as the speed at which one gets something is a function of relative Karma. Call this Krish’s Law of Speed of Manifestation!

  4. Hey Barry and Heather, This is excellent. It brought a quote from Albert Einstein to mind;”Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”
    Keep up the good work!


  5. I think of it like the old cell phone systems. Multiple cell sites cover the city with multiple overlaps. Some are stronger in areas, but weaker in areas of coverage. The stronger signal prevails in the overlaps.

    I feel our influence is much like these sites. The stronger and clearer our intentions, the more our influence can prevail. Old ingrained and commonly accepted thoughts are tougher to override.

  6. Wow, I can’t believe there is somebody out there teaching manifestation who is actually willing to talk about the reality of the dark forces at work in the world that have been enslaving our financial and other systems for eons.

    It is so very refreshing to hear from guys who can confront the ugliness for what it is without escaping into a pool of denial labelled ‘focus only on the good’

    I am so grateful to you guys, and people like David Icke who tell it like it is.

    It is worth a reminder that if folks are banging on about a conspiracy, it is perhaps because they have actually done the research, checked out the evidence born by their actual day to day experiences, connected the dots between what there inner world is telling them, and what they see occuring all around them; and have come to the realisation that there IS a conspiracy, and that this conspiracy is neither just a mere theory, nor a figment of their imagination, (if you can pardon the pun…LOL)

    Keep up the good work.

    pastor Bola

  7. Disclaimer: These are my thoughts and only my thoughts that I am aware of. So, take it for what it is worth to you.

    This is a very interesting post. I can see that you have left a lot of frustration on the post that has built up over time.

    I do agree that there is a lot of “Copy Cats” out there that will push something to further their own agenda’s, and it doesn’t matter what the cost is to others. If you also look through published and unpublished history (his-story), there has always been the ones that write it, tell it the way they want it. Remember that most people don’t want to take responsibility for their own lives. That is why they have let the current events that is happening to happen and continue to let it happen.

    We create what happens around us all the time! We either allow others inputs to sway our agreements(beliefs) or not, but yet we still control what we experience.

    I have also noticed you defending/re-iterating what these “Masters” (dependent on what your definition of a Master is) has said. There is one thing to keep in mind in any situation, “People will hear and understand exactly what they want to!” So trying to convince others of what you understood what was said is very much a mute point. It is like “Talking to a Brick Wall”. They will only agree to what they are ready to agree. There is an old saying “You will catch more flies with Honey than Vinegar!” I usually go with “You will believe what you want to believe!” (You can substitute “agree with” with “believe” if it will help).

    I find it really interesting how people by nature spend so much time in trying to prove a point, they are right, or that they are smarter. That a lot of energy gets wasted on unnecessary actions. But then again, you are creating your experience in the “NOW” as I am writing this response to this blog.

    There is 2 things that shows a lot of wisdom and gets me to thinking. The first came from the movie “Kung Fu Panda”.

    “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a Gift! That is why they call it “The Present”!”

    The second one came to me while I was driving through the New Mexico or Arizona.
    My definition of God: The source of creation of the Universe and all that it encompasses, seen and unseen.

    “If you know that you are embraced by God! What would you do?”

    I wish all a happy and enjoyable time on their current experience, for you may not remember it the next time through.

    God Bless!

  8. Thank you for this thoughtful article, and helpful clarification on the subject of manifesting! Keep up the heart-felt work and congrats on your new baby šŸ™‚

  9. Sounds like someone, somewhere spiked the Herbal Tea.

    “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

    “Seek and you will find.”

    “That which you think about most…”

    … narrows your ability to be concerned about the rest.

    Man, how much “smoother” things progress when we actually feel good about what we’re doing. Confidence does that… And, that comes from repeatedly doing those things we just “know” to be “right”.

    The thing is, whose “doing” are we doing? Surely, each one of us knows in our deepest of “knowing” can decipher what is best for ourselves.

    Now, “whose” tools do we use to “straighten it out?”

  10. I like your style. Very no bullshit and to the point. It gives the reader a perspective that is all too often lost in the “manifestation hubaju” that seems to circulate in this scene.

  11. Fantastic article!

  12. I tingled when I saw the title to your email. Before now I was going to send one to my list stating “Is the Secret a Conspiracy” or “Why is Antony Robbins now talking BS”. I was scared to do so. People would think I’ve lost it.

    My thoughts were – The Secret has had millions enraptured by using the universe as a catalogue and not gettting “involved”. Was that the real premise? It’s taken us a couple of years to realise “nothing’s happened” . Read the website – not one person has got the million yet – the car parking space yeah.. nothing more. Was The Secret a distraction?

    And look where we are now…and people are too afraid, tired, confused about what to do. We can still do not know how to manifest. It is a skill to be learnt just like ice skating. I’m rambling…this was excellent…I’ll post more later.

  13. Barry and Heather, that’s a refreshing post and quite hilarious.

    If I hear one more numpty jabbering on about the same watered down Abe-Hicks style unverifiable fluff…

    …I might just have to go all Frank Farrelly on them;)

    Serious students of mind skills may benefit from a study of general semantics.

    All the best,
    Michael Campbell

  14. Wow… I am so impressed. I think it’s fabulous that you’ve had the courage and integrity to say all that. I salute you and congratulate you! Keep up the good work and thank you so much for helping to make this world better in your own special way.

    All the best to you and your baby


  15. [ To Charles Spangler ] –

    While we rightfully appreciate your time and thoughts (even with the
    disclaimer that they’re nobody else’s), it still seems to us that what you
    did here via your blog comment is the very same thing you’re accusing us of doing.

    Where do you see the pent-up frustration? Is it possible that you are frustrated, and hence perceiving that in what’s around you? (That’s one instance where your inner world does create your outer world — in your perceptions of how things “are”).

    Also, where do you get the idea we’re saying we’re “right” and others are “wrong”? Defending or re-iterating? We haven’t pointed any fingers at anyone, so that’s probably from your own perceptions and beliefs too.

    You say some things that have some merit, but also, in our opinions, are lacking in other areas. Literally, yes, you do catch more flies with honey than vinegar. But figuratively, that doesn’t apply anymore. The true change-makers in this world are the critical thinkers and those that aren’t afraid to put forward thoughts and ideas that aren’t accepted (believed, agreed with, call it what you will) by the status quo average Joes in this world.

    Having said that, what’s so “vinegary” about what we wrote? Is talking in a concerned, direct yet helpful and supportive manner “not nice” in your opinion?

    Glad you’re able to get inspiration from cartoons. Sadly, yes, the best wisdom sometimes comes from fare aimed at kids, when adults all around us are the ones that need to hear the message (and only those with age-appropriate kids do get to hear it). But on the other hand, it’s great that inspiration rather than mind-numbing crap is being written and produced for our children.

    And yet… why do you present that quote as if it gives wisdom that you have not seen here, or anywhere else? Is there, in your mind, some way that the quote goes against this blog post?

    Yes, sometimes we think being “in the now” is too trendy and over-rated in today’s spiritual teachings. That doesn’t mean it does not have value, but that it, like all teachings, is to be taken in the proper dosage to be effective, not detrimental, in your own life (too many people hear things like that and take it to mean that the solution is to turn off the mind, meditate, and everything will be fine. We believe meditation is great, then it’s time to turn the mind back on).

    In fact… if you want to read about how dangerous it can be to follow that rhetoric to the letter, just read our heavily-researched special report:

    The Eckhart Effect and the Quest for Spiritual Accountability

  16. Hi, I sure agree with what you say here. I am a member of some manifesting sites-one of which, is really trying to keep me! I have always thought despite what they say; that there are outside forces even evil that impinge on our desires.

    Even being connected to the collective as Jung said effects us daily. So I can visualize to actualize and be positive all to my hearts desire; and still not ‘manifest’ all that I seemingly can. To say that all the material world is illusion also seems to fly in the face of this reality. granted I believe that we are also spiritual beings and so the unseen is extremely real ;all that does, is humble me in knowing that theres only so much I can do to bring things into being. In that sense, I am not God!

    So carry on with common sense and thankyou for validating my own instincts. My own reactions to things in many ways is the only thing I may gain some modicum of control over. Unlike ‘Heather’though;I cannot deny the reality of my own experiences or the suffering of others. through prayer if nothing else-I may effect real help and change. sincerely,Laura

  17. Heather & Barry

    Thanks for the insights about manifestation!

    I will be posting a story about David Edwards today. He collected, or, attracted a 41 million dollar lottery jackpot back in 2001. The version of his story that I saw has not been posted anywhere since “The Secret” was released… at least no place I have been able to locate and I have searched a number of times.

    I am very happy to have found you folks.

    Looking forward to peeling back the onion even further with Post # 5 ! lol !!


  18. To All
    I thought I was responding to Barry and Heather personally in my last post. I am a newby here so please be who you are. šŸ˜€


  19. The serenity prayer from the AA 12 step program comes to mind as a summation of all that is accurate regarding the subject matter “Grand Conspiracy”.

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can,
    and the wisdom to know the difference.

    It is not an all encompassing quote covering the subject matter here by any means, but, is does speak to the wisdom of knowing the difference between what is possible and what is not.

    Asking God for the serenity seems a bit irresponcible to me… this label “God” as it is used in the 12 step quote seems to put the focal point of where the serenity comes from as being outside of our physical being. Perhaps is it ! What do I know for certain? šŸ˜€

    All I want to say now is… THANK YOU ! and keep up the good work !


  20. I just want to thank you for writing about something that has been going through my mind for about 3 months now. I have been in good and bad events in my life and none of them I wished to happen to me. That means I have no control over events. WOW is all I can say.

    I have seen a loved one become so involved with God she became “holier than thou”. I can see the lies in the financial and politicial systems in the United States too.

    I have always been different from all others that know me and I have been told I am crazy for talking about some of the things you did too. I know I am not.

    Semper Fi,

  21. What a breath of fresh air !! I LOVE IT !!

  22. Barry and Heather,

    A very thought provoking article. I also read through the comments section with interest. The Secret at least brought some awareness to the mass media and sparked a whole new look at spiritual matters. Eckhart Tolle’s book moved that awareness to a whole new level. Perhaps you will be the ones to take us to the next level in understanding the power of manifesting, and the power of other forces in play.

    There is a flow, others to others that at first appears not to effect us, but the fall out from that interaction is part of the vibrational whole we all live with.

    To ignore its impact is folly to say the least.

    The physical universe is made up of all of our agreed realities.

    Going out of agreement is like swimming against the tide, but it is the going out of agreement that brings us to the world where our manifestations can come about.

    With each awakening we get one tiny step closer to breaking the hold this common reality has upon us.

    In that regard even the fluff has the purpose of advancing general knowledge.

    Unfortunately so many remain trapped in an “ism” whose walls blind them to the world outside.

    I’ve been trapped there too. Breaking away takes courage. Articles like yours help us all look with new eyes on old forms.

    Nick Grimshawe

  23. One thing I realised a year ago contemplating to myself about my own personal life and life of other people and world in general is the role of duality in this realm.

    We individually have control of our own mind, perceptions, experiences and the reality we create for ourself.

    However, the collective reality of society we are also part of and we can influence that and even some attempt to manipulate that for ā€œgoodā€ or ā€œbadā€ so to speak, but the collective *events* you speak of we cannot control of society. But we can control our own *response* to and hence the personal experience and meaning for each of us and play our own part in. (the outcome as Heather called it)

    So in the whole world of the collective, I realise there is duality playing out. Everyone has their own personal energy field and mind they get to manage consciously or neglect and be open to be conditioned.

    The grand ideas of world peace where everyone feels good and loves each other and listens to each other is not what I see in our collective world, as nice as it would be to believe it could happen in a small time frame.
    I do however see it in smaller pockets of people such as families, friendships and relationships though and they inspire and lead me to aspire to similar relationships with others *for* each other.

    There is a lot of crap that goes on in our world at the same time as the good. (Duality of human experience)

    I cannot in my human relations and experience control all of that. I accept that and deal with what is in my control and people that willingly want to be part of my world. There is a lot of good and so called *bad* shit that goes on. It is duality. Peoplesā€™ own personal energy determines what they are in resonance with and attract to be part of whether they or I attract consciously or unconsciously.
    I can but control my own and people that care to be in communication with me and part of my world. That is my responsiblity.

    I cannot think or feel for someone else or for nations or societies but what I can do is think and feel for myself and influence people that are interested in my thoughts and feelings.

    I take the notion of think global, act local to heart. I think of global affinity. Iā€™d love to see it. There is presently lots of good going on. There is however duality and diversity in the collective so
    acting locally within my own energy field to create inner peace and happiness is how I take on that saying of locally. Charity begins at home. If we are in some pain or hurt ourself or someone within our proximity and influece pay attention there, rather than focus on people not in our locality and neglect someone in our own sphere by not listening.

    When, and as, Iā€™m getting my own world together working well I can be of help to *more* others that resonate with me and want to be part of my world in some way whether as friend, family, community or business.

    However in the world of the 6 billion it is the people that are present in my everyday world and in my circle of influence I see I need to focus my energy on whilst still acknowledging there are many other people, paths and perceptions going on different to my path in life. I can be of greater good to those that cross my path and in my world already engaging with me on some level and expressing genuine interest to contributing to each other.

    As one of my favourite mentors says.
    My failure helps no one. My success can help many.

  24. [ Roger said: ] “Do we expect to break the laws of nature simply through believing it? I still havenā€™t seen any humans flying, just through the power of thought. (And dreams donā€™t count. )”

    Well Jesus didn’t fly, but he walked on water! So yes while I do agree that there are other laws and the collective that one has to contend with. There does seem to me a case for thinking that some have been able to ‘beat’ those odds and therefore it may eventually be possible for us to manifest that ‘well’ also.

  25. Interesting post Barry and Heather, although I think it’s important to make a distinction based on a few statements that were made. The 1st regarding “truth.” and the second regarding that the external events affect our individual ability to manifest.

    When someone mentions “truth”, my personal perception is that a claim is being made as to how things “really” are…that it is a solid fact, (either good or bad) when the “higher truth” is that each individual has there own truth and the results they personally experience at every level is based on that individual perception.

    I agree and personally teach that the only thing that we have control over is ourselves…more specifically whether we choose to react or respond to various “external circumstances” which inevitably based on that choice DOES determine our individual reality and the results experienced.

    But the fact that the outside world affects our ability to manifest is only true IF WE allow that to happen.

    So in essence we ARE in control but we’re NOT in control.

    A choice to master and control ourselves does…in my “humble” opinion determine the resonance of the energy that we project which in turn enables us to mold and shape our individual reality and how everything affects us (or not) personally which in turn determines what we attract from the “spiritual”, unseen, metaphysical or whatever someone might individually “choose” to call the “field.”

    Point being….how we each perceive truth IS truth in our reality. There is no truth or untruth in the “physical world of duality” except what “we” choose independently to “perceive” it as.

    This world of “duality” as I personally like to call it, or “polarity” falls under the umbrella of Source and the laws put into place by Source that govern energy. Those are “eternal truths” that can’t be manipulated or changed by man, but CAN be “consciously and intentionally” harmonized with in such a way that results can become predictable. No…not the how or the when…but a certainty that they will which is precisely what makes it “true.”

    There’s no question that corruption exists in the world. We each have an inalienable right of free will to choose what we will or will not do, but we each also have a choice to respond to it with a “deeper understanding” which can and does assist in minimizing if not eliminating it’s impact, rather than react in anger, fear and/or judgment which can only serve to feed and intensify what we ā€œconsciouslyā€œ would rather not experience.

    Although from a “physical perspective we can choose to call it “bad” or “evil” it also exists and does….although granted maybe beyond our individual abilty to see it, serve a “greater good” and exists for a specific purpose.

    Responding to it with the “heartfelt intention” of serving a “greater good” in a way that ALL can win, can and does play a “positive” and major role in resolving it.

    That’s not to say that “physical action” isn’t required…it always is…BUT thought always precedes action and the quality of thought that we choose with regard to it will determine the quality and effectiveness of the action as well as the underlying or ā€œunseenā€ collective energy where all things seen are derived from.

    Although “both” choices create something, the latter (responding with ā€œpure intentionā€ absent judgement) produces what we as “physical beings” perceive to be more pleasant or “positive” results.

  26. I’ve been busily unsubscribing from a bunch of newsletters lately because I’m so sick of all this “manifestation madness.” Went to a blog the other day that asked the question, “does the law of attraction really work?” Interestingly, all of the people who responded ‘yes’ had something to sell, namely a “law of attraction”/”manifest your reality” product. Years ago I attended a weekend workshop that made similar promises. I dropped out, but stayed in touch with several attendees. Interestingly, all three of them got psyched, started a business with loans, went broke and went on to another “self empowerment” fad.

  27. Berry and Heather…KUDOs. What a GREAT post! That’s saying it right!

    BTW, congratulations on your new arrival. The pics were great. What an absolute ‘doll baby.’ :>)

    Hey…I’ve got something that I think both of you will be very, very interested in; however, I have no way to send it to you through e-mail and I can’t post these 3 books here. You MAY have already read them…but I’m not sure. They are in e-book format and I know for a fact that everything you two are saying is the absolute truth.

    Please e-mail me, you have the address and I’ll attach and forward the three PDF books. No, they are not mine; the two I wrote are on my Web site. Unless you’ve heard of George Green, then I don’t believe you’ve read these three. His Google videos are posted on my site as well. And if you decide the watch them, be ready for your socks to drop because this man speaks the truth.

    It appears that even some of the biggest so called masters are leaving a few things ‘out’ of their discussions. Things that I’m reading from this material that is almost an exact match to what they are attempting to say, but leave one holding the bag till they pay for more. I’ve got a funny feeling it was intentional.

    I’ve got a strange feeling you two are gonna freak. But that’s okay…so did I because I had many misconceptions and by what these books are telling us, most all of us have been duped our entire lives.

    Nope, I’m not a nut-ball, but I am a writer and I know a load of bull when I hear it…and read it. This stuff is NO BULL.


    Lea Anna Cooper

  28. If you talked to any of the so called guru manifestor teachers you will find that they all know about the control of society that has been going on for hundreds of years. When you are working with others you need a starting point and with a lot of people that would not be it – to begin with what is working against them would be totally negative for people who have not woken up at all or are only just awake.
    The core is to begin working on yourself clearing your own pathway and healing your own shadow that lives in illusion. As you do this you will ‘see and hear’ things differently and begin to operate on another dimension – within a larger reality. Meditation and awareness exercises complete this path for your inevitable awakening. The teachers on the ‘Secret’ have begun the changing of reality for people who would never have started the work without this commercial influence on their level – block buster movie!
    Criticism is not going to get anybody anwhere, you need to understand the levels and intuit what is necessary and when. I work with people everyday helping them to wake up and raise their level of consciousness and my work is different with everyone of them. Some have still not heard me speak of the control of the dark players, I work completely intuitively and surprise myself sometimes when suddenly I have launched into the whole story, knowing it is right, the person in front of me heavily cloaked so it was only my intuitive side that knew to give them the whole story. This has never been negatively received when given this way but would if my ego,logical side decided everybody should know right now – I would be destroying their personal awakening. You are not responsible for anothers journey, your own journey to be operating on the highest, intuitive, sensitive level is your responsibility.
    Linda Joslin

  29. Dear Heather & Barry,


    There is the darkness and the light, the; as above so below and so many other eternal truths and I appreciate you stating this so clearly.

    I have been following David Icke since his very first book when he was attacked and vilified by Big Media knowing how right he was about the dark side.

    Every year brings more proof what he wrote about into the daylight.

    I work with manifesting for my family, company and myself and have had a great deal of success but every evening I light a penny candle for the world; to help bring in more light and help expose the truth of our planned slavery.

    I think the dark side is sad, selfish, pathetic and slightly less than human. Where there is no love there can be no true growth or knowledge.

    I will give you my own quote here “While you are green you are still growing” I’m 62 still green, still growing, learning and I hope to remain wide eyed and open to new experiences and knowledge.

    With love and kisses for Konan

  30. Interesting article as always.

    Some questions come to mind:

    – How do we reach purity of INTENTION?

    – How do we change our personal expectations to expect better things for ourselves and our loved ones?

    – What do you mean when you say ‘heart-connection’? Manifesting from the heart? (Manifesting things we feel – deep inside – to be beneficial to ourselves and people around us?)

    It would be great to see you address these matters in your next post. Thanx so far. You’ve given us a lot to think about! šŸ™‚

    All the best, Mark.

  31. Hi Barry & Heather,

    I’ve been following you both for awhile now, and always appreciate your point of view. It is so important to have people in your life that counter the “sheeple” to add perspective. If you just sit in your cozy feel good box, there can be no growth….mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. I believe in duality and have studied it for years. I’m so glad to see you speaking out about it. I personally would rather see what’s really going on around me, then choose my response, and go from there….being happy, happy, joy, joy kinda makes me sick. I appreciate all that you share with us, it gives more food for thought, another perspective, and new insights. Congratulations on your marriage and beautiful baby!

  32. WOW, FANTASTIC, unsettling, delightful,enlightening,sad
    I have just finished reading all of the posts here and only have a few thousand questions and comments.
    First and foremost it is very gratifying to find that there are so many people that have similar beliefs as mine, second I would to propose to you that there is in fact “no spoon”.
    As I was reading these comments I started thinking about the human as a tuning fork, for lack of a better example, but not a tuning fork with just one frequency but many. Each day and many times during the day the little instrument gets minor adjustment in frequency form ourself and all the other “things” we incounter thru out the day. As we go thru the day we also affect our surrounding and everything in it. this is the way of the world. This is the why we are the way we are. We are the sum of the choices we have made. We are the sum of the vibrations we have chosen to accept or reject. We can not live in isolation, it is impossible. You may go to the moon or the farthest star to live out your physical life but you are still affecting the universe, my universe. We each choose the frequency to which we will vibrate by our action or inaction. Those out there who are ignorant of this fact do still affect the whole. If The Secret”, “What The Bleep”

  33. Hey Barry, remember that time we met for coffee in Grants Pass? This is almost exactly what I was trying to say, but you were nowhere near ready to hear it, which made me a little sad at the time. I’m glad to see how far you’ve come along : ) If you have time (I know you have a new baby! No time!) take a look at my new blogs. I think they’ll connect with you this time. Hope to see you around, and I’m so happy for you and your new family!

    [ Barry’s Comment ] – Yes, of course I do, Ilana – remember meeting you and, at least, the ONE part of your conversation with me that related to very end of this blog post (i.e., the discussion about manifesting with “Purity of INTENTION”) – so, yes, your Heartcompass (heart intelligence) strategy is one that can be a useful TOOL to make that actually happen for anybody who needs some guidance on heart-based manifesting.

  34. It’s really true that although manifestation is an exercise of bringing what we want into existence, it is also an exercise in becoming more and more pure and simple. I love your straight in the face attitude. Years of visualization can build up years of frustration if we dun move towards gaining greater clarity and purity.

  35. Barry & Heather,
    I really do not know who you two are, found this
    web surfing. That being said, it takes alot to get
    my jaw to drop and smile. I am a hypnotist who
    has had your philosopy for years. Whenever I
    have done my own workshops / counseling this
    is exactly the premise I put out to my clients. I
    live out in Airyfairyville (colorado) was one of
    the few who did not swallow The Secret, lock,
    stock and barrell. Would love the privelige of meeting
    you one day. Bully on for you!!
    Wow. What a concept. You didn’t take the red pill.
    Do you guys ever come to Colorado?


    [ Heather’s Comment ] – Hi Ray… we were in Colorado in July/Aug of 2007, where I co-hosted The Next Internet Millionaire, but we haven’t been back since.

    But many people have not swallowed The Secret lock, stock and barrel, and others have completely misinterpreted it (calling it an update to The Power of Positive Thinking, when it’s not about positive thinking at all).

    Bottom line, the movie did a good (no, make that great) job of bringing one universal law — the Law of Attraction — into the mainstream public spotlight. Good for them, bravo!

    Where it did not do a good job is giving people anything beyond the surface-level info so they could make it work for themselves. That’s where we come in… investigating and sorting through the crap, and presenting tools and techniques to help people overcome their blocks and actually get ahead.


  36. Barry & Heather:

    First and foremost, congratulations concerning your new addition to the family!
    I really appreciate your depth of sincerity in the articles that you write and the efforts you make to present things as they are/appear to be without the added fluff.
    Kudos to Lea Cooper for bringing up George Green. I checked him out and am reading his free books currently. Would be most interested to hear your take on him and what he has to say!

  37. I think youā€™ve missed the mark. It doesnā€™t matter if there are conspiracies going on. What matters is whether a person is wary and not being blind-sided by them.

    For example, I believe most people are blind-sided by mass media, religions and governmentsā€™ agendas. Mass media even has a saying, ā€œIf it bleeds, it leads,ā€ meaning, bad news sells. So, they put out tons of bad news and donā€™t care if it triggers stress in a lot of people. (They reason, people donā€™t have to watch, as if that clears them.) And advertisers know that if they hook people with the idea that their product is going to give them emotional fulfillment, people will buy. And govā€™ts know how to indoctrinate people to march off to wars, without any idea what theyā€™re really fighting for.

    Why else do so many people buy so much junk that they donā€™t really need, or willingly send the ones they love the most to fight in wars? Or even, why do mothers yell at their children, those individuals that they care most about in all the world? Why else to people willingly create debts that virtually make them slaves to their jobs?

    But none of these ā€˜externalsā€™ ultimately determine the quality of a personā€™s life, because, ultimately, none of them can force us to think like they want us to ā€“ IF ā€“ we have awareness.

    So, I agree with Jack Canfield and others who say we are 100% responsible for our lives. Or, hereā€™s how Abraham-Hicks puts it.

    ā€œYou are the only one who creates your reality. For, no one else can think for you. No one else can do it. It is only you. Every bit of it you.ā€


    – – – – – – –

    [ REPLY ] – Phil, before you assume we’ve “missed the mark,” scoot your brain on over to Part 2 of this series: http://www.lwlworldwide.com/blog/part-2-manifestings-grand-conspiracy/

    Jack, as we clearly pointed out in Part #1, DOES believe we CAN control our OUTSIDE circumstances – the outcome of various people’s intermingled realities ( Part 2 – link above – expands on this ). Abraham Hicks likes shooting out the same feel-good, me-too, you-can-do-it, easy-on-the-emotions, status-quo rhetoric that we CAUTION our readers not to easily let “soak in” without putting on the critical-thinking cap.

    What we can and can NOT control, indeed ( as you said ), depends on our “awareness.” That’s the $64,000 rub, however. See how to make it all work by reading Part #2

  38. I think you two deserve as good a response as I can give. I get the impression that you two are definitely NOT fly-by-nights, in your search for truthā€¦ but Iā€™m time-short, and I still want to respond a little.. So, this will have to suffice for now. (My apologies.)

    You said, ā€œthe so-called Manifesting Mentor Eliteā€ have been touting the idea, ā€œoutside circumstances donā€™t affect your ability to create your own reality,..ā€

    Thatā€™s not the message I get. The one I get is, ā€˜outside circumstances donā€™t DETERMINE your ability to create your own reality.ā€ Iā€™m sure you discern the difference.

    Can you pinpoint who was it that said what you said they said? Was it Jack Canfield? Abraham-Hicks?

    You go on to say: ā€œthe RESULT of what you see in the physical always has a mutually-inclusive metaphysical (unseen) counterpart to it,ā€ and ā€œexperienced reality is created by perception of reality.ā€

    If by this you mean, ā€œeach individualā€™s experienced reality is created by each individualā€™s perception of reality,ā€ then I agree.

    But if thatā€™s what youā€™re saying then, I donā€™t see how Jack Canfield or A-H have said anything conrtrary or conflicting.

    You go on to say the universe is not emotional and, ā€œis completely mechanical in its response to you,ā€ and then, you say itā€™s BS that ā€œā€œit wants for you what you want for yourself.ā€

    I believe the Universe responds mechanically, just as you say. I believe thatā€™s exactly WHY we can rely on Universal Principles or Laws.

    But I also believe the Source or Creator of the Universe DOES want for us what we want for ourselves. How else can we explain our seemingly innate desires to experience love, or peace, or well being, etc.? Are you saying these desires are arbitrary, and not linked back to an Intelligent Loving Source, or they are not God-Inspired, or God-imbued in us?

    Why do we experience the fundamental desires for inner peace, love, well being, meaning, fulfillment or happiness? Are you saying these desires arbitrary? If not, then where do they ā€˜come fromā€™?

    I know you wanted me to read and respond to the 2nd part of your article, and I did read it, but I went back reading the first part, to get a better reference for where you were coming from, and when I went back and re-read the first part, this is as far as I could get,ā€¦ for now.


    [Heather’s REPLY]

    Hi Phil,

    Did you miss the part about Jack Canfield’s E+R=O formula? We’re not lumping him in with those who talk about creating our reality 100%, so most of your comment here is irrelevant in that respect.

    Yes, your paraphrase of “each individualā€™s experienced reality is created by each individualā€™s perception of reality” is correct. And again, Jack did NOT say anything contrary or conflicting… although Abraham-Hicks may have, but I don’t have all their quotes of all time at my finger-tips so I can’t tell you for sure.

    As for which teachers “may have” said what we’re saying some teachers do say — we do not wish to name anyone here as being the “bad guy”. It’s up to our readers to decide if their mentors of choice do in fact give the message we’re talking about or not. If not, cool… but if they do, we’re asking them to take that with a grain of salt and investigate further (which we’re hoping we’ve helped them to do with this post).

    As for the Universe responding mechanically, yes… that is exactly why Universal laws work, and you can’t change that fact whether you’re manifesting what you WANT or what you DON’T WANT. But we don’t agree that there is a Creator “outside” of The Universe… “The Universe” IS what others call “the Creator”, “the Source”, “God”, etc. It’s all one and the same, just different names for the same force.

    So no, “The Creator” doesn’t want specific things for us that are contrary to what we focus on (again, whether that be what we WANT or what we DON’T WANT, which is where conscious creation takes place… manifesting what we WANT specifically, so we don’t end up with what we DON’T WANT).

    However, your Higher Self does guide you with love and desire for you to achieve whatever you came here to achieve. So perhaps you’re feeling guidance from your Higher Self and misinterpreting that as “The Creator” or “The Universe”.

    Hope that helps,

  39. Wish I could express myself like you. WOW!
    Learning a lot from you and the replies. Thanks.

    God’s blessings to both of you and the Baby.

  40. Barry & Heather,

    Your posts are very insightful & challenging please keep it up.
    A little over a year ago I posted a reply on one of your blog entries about the biggest coverup in the history of humanity (which David Icke addresses in his latest newsletter), namely the suppression by governments worldwide for well over 50 years, particularly the United States government, of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations ( of which there have been documented to be 57 species who regularly have had contact with earth governments) & their possession of advanced reverse engineered scalar technologies that exploit the so-called Zero Point Field (ZPF) — technologies that could rid our planet of poverty, environmental pollution & dependence on fossil fuels.

    Funnily enough at the time you jokingly referred o yourselves as the Mulder & Scully of manifestation lol

    The information about this can be accessed when you google the Disclosure Project, AERO, CSETI and the Orion Project, which is involved in R&D and proliferation of said new Free Energy technologies, all initiated by Dr. Steven Greer, who not so long ago released a book called Forbidden Truth Hidden Knowledge.

    This ties in well don’t you think with your discoveries about the”bigger picture” and is certainly worth a critical look by anyone I would say.

    Bravo for your observations about manifestation especially Heart Manifestation. Another one of the shibboleths propagated by the “manifestation elite” as you call them is the superiority of the mind and the underestimation of the intelligence of the heart, and i do mean the physical organ.The work of Dr. Paul Pearsall & Heart Math are particularly worth studying in this respect, if you haven’t already come across them.

    This radical view of manifestation has already been well expounded by luminaries & trailblazers as Arnold Patent — “the Roger Bannister of manifestation” (Roger Bannister is the first man to run a four minute mile), Carnelian Sage ( The Greatest Manifestation Secret of All), and Paul Bauer. Another interesting vice in Manifestation Land is that of Leo Foster who has alsobeen sharp in his critique of many gurus and mentors.

    Your observation in the post above about the Higher Self is rather unclear.My experience of the Higher Self is that it it is a direct conduit to the “Universe /Creator” and always has been ( it is variously been referred to throughout history an in religious & spiritual traditions as the Guardian Angel, Spirit Guide, Inner Guru/Self or Daimon), and so I would say yes , if you choose to stay connected you will inevitably experience that “the Universe wants to give you everything you desire”.

    Very interesting insights about the “Higher Self” can be gleaned from reading accounts of NDEs ( Near Death Experiences) and OBEs (Out of Body Experiences), one of the most well documented of which is that of
    Mellen- Thomas Benedict.

    This might assist us incarnated humans to get a better understanding of the Bigger Picture šŸ˜‰ aswell as help us to become aware of the mechanics that underlie the bridges between the seen & the unseen — imho spirit and matter are literally one, as I intuit you are also attempting to say — and also help us to rid ourselves of the vagueness surrounding this whole subject that has been proliferated by the whole New Age & New Thought Movement — in short everyone what Higher Self, Creator Spirit etc is, what it can do for you and how to facilitate a sound and efficient working connection. šŸ™‚ something like a spiritual handbook we all receive when we get here so we don’t need to get lost go looking outside for answers the whole time following this that or the other mentor or guru.

    I have had a background of study and experiences for many years in the world of eastern and western teachings of non-duality with a number of “heavyweights” in this realm of “hardcore spirituality”; and my discoveries were astounding if not shocking & disillusioning (as above so below šŸ˜‰ )..abuse, violence, corruption, lies, deception all in the name of spiritual truth and the cultic adoration of one or other often self-styled guru. I have come out in one piece and without any scars ( the ones I had are healing fast thank god).

    However it has led me to question any and all self proclaimed authorities but never before thoroughly checking thir philosophy and teachings which of course would not be possible unless I followed with full gusto.

    So every time I temporarily suspended my disbelief and 100% took on what they were selling only to realize that it wasn’t working for me and realizing in frustration that however I tried to rearrange the jigsaw puzzle it never would, and felt duped.

    This was I know know intuitively a process of becoming spiritually mature and standing up for and living according to my own personal truth based as much as possible on my firsthand experience and critical evaluation of the experiences of others.

    Congratulations on your baby..:) The presence of a new consciousness (something/someone from nothing or apparently nowhere is a veritable koan isn’t it ?) wiil I’m sure help you both to grow and expand in ways you had never thought possible and bring fresh new experiences and insights .I hope so for you.

    Btw quit knocking HOPE..it’s a valuable part of the whole spectrum of the emotional pallette, and your comment is imo simply the product of “spiritual hypermasculinity” ( a component of the overall trend of masculine mind over heart supremacy in human culture on our planet in this day and age),which I have personally come across in the lives of “great realizers and adepts the like of which the world has never before seen (sic)…oh Holy Master,I adore thee unquestioningly for the Light doth verily shine out of your every blessed protuberance & orifice, you are the One “. Ken Wilber knows who I mean šŸ˜‰

    L,P,A Infinitely šŸ™‚

    [Heather’s REPLY]

    Hi Khurram,

    You say:

    “Your observation in the post above about the Higher Self is rather unclear.My experience of the Higher Self is that it it is a direct conduit to the ā€œUniverse /Creatorā€ and always has been ( it is variously been referred to throughout history an in religious & spiritual traditions as the Guardian Angel, Spirit Guide, Inner Guru/Self or Daimon), and so I would say yes , if you choose to stay connected you will inevitably experience that ā€œthe Universe wants to give you everything you desireā€.”

    But what we’re saying is that, although the Higher Self is CONNECTED to the Universe (as is everything else, we’ve gone over this several times in this series of posts), the Higher Self is NOT the Universe.

    Your Higher Self is steering your boat for you while you’re here. So yes, your Higher Self wants certain things for you (which may not be what YOU, Lower Self, “desires”, by the way… your Higher Self might want “You” to learn certain lessons by being mugged, having someone close to you “die”, losing everything you own, etc… certainly not what the “Lower Self”, or “You” the way most people think of it, wants or desires).

    As above, so below… the Higher Self guides and the Lower Self experiences.

    As below, so above… the Lower Self thinks/feels/does certain things, and the Higher Self facilitates the delivery of the results from the Universe, regardless of whether it fits in with the “big plan” or not.

    (I believe it’s possible for your Lower Self to spend an entire lifetime not ever achieving or experiencing what “You” came here to do; and once you pass over and have a little laugh about it — that would be your Higher Self at that point — it might be time to come back and try again, as a different Lower Self “You”. That’s why it’s so gratifying to actually tap into our mission and purpose here on earth.)

    But regardless of what the Higher Self wants for “You” to experience here, the Universe as a whole does not “want” anything for you. It simply delivers, based on universal laws, according to what and how you’re vibrating, whether you want it or not.

    BTW we didn’t “jokingly” refer to ourselves as the Fox Mulder of Manifestation and the Dana Scully of Success… we feel those are apt metaphors for what we do, which is somewhat unique in the “spiritual development” arena.


  41. P.S. the greatest manifestation secret of all is ..a four letter word for many lol..wait for it ..get your handkerchiefs out ;)….LOVE …Yes that old clichĆ©..beginning with YOU and life (you + the world of “others” and the “co-created” reality) just as it is.

    Blessings to you and your baby and everyone else at all — human & non human šŸ™‚

    [Heather’s REPLY]

    Yes… “love”, according to Dr. John Demartini, is what our Universe is made up of (another word for the energy, or consciousness, that comprises everything we see, hear, feel and touch here).

    One of his quotes is: “There’s only love, all else is illusion.”

    That’s why love (which is not “an emotion” but contains ALL emotions, according to Dr. D.) is such a powerful manifesting tool.

    And thank you so much for the blessings for us, and little Konan! šŸ˜‰


  42. Heather

    The separation of “Higher Self” (or I AM) and “Lower Self” has always bugged me to tell the truth and I am aware that it had it’s first advent in human consciousness in the lexicon of Helena Blavatsky’s Theosophist cosmological paradigm.

    A number of prominent spiritual teachers of non-duality ( or Advaita as it’s called in India, although it is present in Buddhism and other spiritual traditions of the world both ancient and recent) including Krishnamurti (who defected from the Theosophical Society in his search for the truth), Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj have often pointed out the absurdity of this division between a higher self anda lower self.

    That is the liberated viewpoint with which I came into “Manifestation Land” and it made perfect sense to me, so I have some problem with your explanation to be honest.

    What I also discovered & experienced for a time through the dedicated spiritual practise of Self Enquiry ( or who am I? who is experiencing this?) many years back was that by coming to rest in abidance as my True Self all my desires spontaneously manifested (referred to in ancient sanskrit jargon as “chintamani” or the Self as “Wish-fulfilling gem that grants its possessor all desires”). I guess at the time I was foolish enough to leave that state of grace (although I’ve forgiven myself since lol).

    This is well documented in “Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi”, one of the great sages of the 20th century, who although living in the context of Indian culture and tradition was remarkably down-to-earth and understandable in a direct and no-nonsense fashion about his experience of reality and the universe.

    However thanks for the exquisite explanation..and you’re quite right, the metaphor of Mulder and Scully definitely applies to you both..keep on keepin’ on ..;)

    Btw here’s a mind expanding observation to consider: in 1 cubic centimeter of space there is enough energy to power the entire earth for a whole day ( ZPF — Zero Point Field)

    [Heather’s REPLY]

    Hi Khurram,

    It’s simple… we are made up of a “tripod” (my expression) of physical, spiritual and mental being. Mind-body-spirit, all inter-connected yet different, and all three legs of the tripod need to be strong for it to stand.

    The physical is the body that changes from lifetime to lifetime, is “born” and “dies”. Mine is called “Heather” in this life, had a different name in the last life, and will have another name in the next. That’s the “Lower Self” (also my expression).

    The spiritual is the “Higher Self”. The unseen part that continues from one life to the next. That part of me is NOT named “Heather”.

    The mental is like a bridge, and encompasses aspects of both.


  43. Hi Heather,

    I very much relate to the concepts of Higher Self and Lower Self (or Soul and personality), and see both as distinct from (though an expression of) the Universe/Source.

    I agree that “I” (Lower Self) do not control absolute reality. I often find myself in circumstances or with people that definitely cause “me” (Lower Self) to say “I definitely do not want, and did NOT choose, THIS!!”

    Deep down, however, I realize that the larger aspect of myself – my Higher Self – brings me the exact situations appropriate for my growth, and that I am engaged in life with others who have their own experiences and lessons to live in this life. These allow me to evolve my responses to what happens.

    I (Lower Self) cannot control others or their reality (nor at this stage in my life do I want to). I can influence my part of any interaction, however, and my desire is to manage to the best of my ability my responses and reactions to whatever happens. My desire is also to be in tune with my Higher Self and align with it to the greatest extent I can, allowing it to express through my Lower Self/personality to contribute something of higher value to the world.

    As for Law of Attraction tools, teachers and teachings, I know firsthand a lot of people who have put the principles of The Secret into practice with amazing results and others with little or no results. Why is that? As far as I have observed, it goes back to what you said toward the end of your post.

    The people with the best results seem to have made that heart connection within themselves, wherein the results they seek to manifest in using these tools are inspired and coming from a deeper or higher place within them. Rhonda Byrne herself clearly had an inspired intention behind producing The Secret and her application of the Laws produced spectacular results.

    Others with little or no results seem to be guided more by the Lower Self with little or no purpose or meaning behind the desired manifestations other than to puff up the ego or keep up with the Joneses. I wouldn’t necessarily say that explains every single case I’ve ever seen, but it’s an observable pattern I’ve noticed.

    As I see it, the people with whom we share this world (and this conversation) are at different levels of personal and global awareness/consciousness, and therefore teachers, teachings and “truth” itself will appear different at different times. I can simply look at my own life to see how that has been the case.

    I have also noticed how I can look at the same situation and see totally different aspects of it depending on the mindset I am in. Often a situation or person that appears challenging before I exercise, for example, can look completely different and easier to handle to me after I exercise.

    In that way, I certainly have control over how I respond to reality as it shows up for me. My ability to respond in a higher way changes the outcome (Canfield’s equation). Knowing this increasingly helps me to tackle some of life’s greater challenges rather than run and hide from them.

    Thanks for the thought-provoking discussion!


  44. Whew! Wonderful post and great comments too. I’m on to read Part II. No arguments for anyone – and can add to the “wonderful fresh air” idea.

  45. Thanks for your blog article. It has given me a little to consider. Thank you again!

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