Hand Up… or… Hand Out?

Tonight at 8pm, ABC will air its second Secret Millionaire episode.

It’s a show some call inspiring, and others (those, possibly, with an eye for self-reliant behavior) call just interesting.

In a very uncharacteristic move, I’m refraining from telling you the level of conviction I have for either side of the spectrum (er, for now!) 🙂

But, well… heh… maybe just a hint.

Certainly, I’m licking my chops to be first in line to see the coming Atlas Shrugged movie release (April 15th 2011), which undoubtedly will be chastised by every government payroll leech, every anti-capitalist, every greater-good elitist, and all those who eschew achievement and the concept of being rewarded for the fruits of one’s labor.

So, enter the other side of the coin: A TV show based upon a hit UK series that selected several millionaires to mix it up with those mainly experiencing life through welfare-level wages.

The goal: To find ordinary (read: broke but still courageous) people doing extraordinary (read: selfless) things for those in need.

Certainly the premise is designed for the Masses who need a reminder that, even in the face of economic worries (not to mention natural disasters, political uprisings, debt concerns, and the fear and uncertainly that TV accentuates), HOPE is still alive.

Then, again, as we’ve mentioned in various prior LWL posts… HOPE, if mainly relied upon for a sense of comfort and ease, can stall individual progress and production too.

But, before I renege on my promise of not getting carried away with my overly-critical thinking about the show, I’ll just let you decide.

After you watch the first two episodes online here, tell us what you think by using the comments section of this post.

And, oh, by the way, a future Secret Millionaire to appear on the show has been making a foundational difference in people’s lives by helping them instill the beliefs, habits, and correct thinking around money for several years now.

After you watch prior episodes, click here to see the strategies this Las Vegas multi-millionaire used to be one of the most highly paid people in his field.

♦  ♦  ♦

Filed under: Movie Recommendations, Prosperity Mind / Wealth Creation

2 Responses to “Hand Up… or… Hand Out?”

  1. I watched the two episodes of Secret Millionaire and I thought they were awesome! Why? Because they met ordinary people who were doing extraordinary things for other people. None of the people had much money of their own and they had some extraordinary struggles too, but they were out there helping people who had needs too and not much help. I believe that people who have money are in a position to help others. I don’t see this as a handout, but as a hand up to be able to even help even more people. At this time in our country, I dislike watching television shows about wealthy people and how they live when too many people have lost their homes, their possessions, their jobs, their incomes and their retirements because of the greed of many billionaires working for Big Corporate America! It makes me sick to my stomach!

    [Heather’s Reply]:

    Hi Andrea, I was with you up until the final two sentences… certainly the Secret Millionaires chosen did a good job of giving recipients a hand up, because they focused on exceptional folks who are using the handout to leverage help for more and more people (although, technically, it would still be a “handout” because they weren’t taught to fish… they were just given a lot of good, shareable fish).

    But why do you think there are so many “greedy billionaires” working for “Big Corporate America”? The truth is, a lot of billionaires choose to give back to the world (more than the value they already gave the Universe that allowed them to make billions in the first place, since that’s the only way wealth is grown) and even donate half their money.

    They, like Dani Johnson and Marc Paskin, allow for more soup kitchens to feed more people, more volunteer outfits help more children, and more good-hearted people to use their creativity for the benefit of others.

    Further to that, where are you finding all these TV shows featuring wealthy people who you see as ruining other people’s lives? Most of the shows I’ve seen actually highlight both sides of the coin… the receiving (growing wealth) and the giving (putting out value or helping others).

    And just to wrap up that point… it’s important to understand that wealth is not like a finite pie. I used to think that way too, but there’s not one big pie that has less left for others once somebody takes a few pieces away. Instead, wealthy people are involved in baking more pies and allowing more and more people to profit and benefit from the value (products, services, charity donations, etc.) that they create.

    Yes, I’m sure there are some exceptions, but they’re not the rule. People, especially those who have built their own riches instead of being born with a silver spoon in their mouths, usually appreciate what they have and feel good about seeing others prosper too.

    It sounds like you want to regulate the success of others, and if that’s the case, you might get some insight from Barry’s post here.

    You’ll likely find a shift in focus, and losing the misplaced animosity, will help you prosper more as well.


  2. Thanks Barry for the post!

    I must admit that I had never heard or seen The Secret Millionaire until you mentioned it.

    I watched the episode with Marc Paskin and it touched my heart.

    I had a ‘calling’ back on 1/24/2010 while in church listening to a message titled; Use Your Spiritual Gifts to Passionately Serve Others.

    I know I was ‘called’ that day. I told my wife on the way home that I was going to look for a new job that would be much more fulfilling and maybe helping others.
    I went home and spent the next couple days updating my resume and actually saved it on the 26th.

    Little did I know I would be laid off on the 27th. I remember driving home that day with a complete sense of peace. I decide to let Him direct my steps.

    The past year, I have worked with my son on creating an internet education business focused on investors with two objectives; 1)helping them become their own most trusted financial advisor and 2) ensuring their investment dollars are building wealth for their futures…NOT an advisor and the financial services industry.

    My dream and vision for this business venture is to help others and eventually give back to those less fortunate that share a passion for a better life.

    THANKS again for the blog as Marc is an inspiration and provided me more motivation. By the way, my 27 year old daughter told me this past weekend that I would enjoy a book she recently finished reading that opened her eyes, Atlas Shrugged.

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