January 18th, 2011
When I was a teenager, the one thing I dreaded (or feared) the most was leaving behind childhood friends in Southern California and starting a new life in, holy @#$%, the real South. Georgia, the Peachtree State, to be specific. My step-mother offered me a way out — a way to say “Sayonara” to some […]
Filed under: Personal Responsibility, Self-Freedom / Emotional Mastery, Self-Sabotage, Uncategorized | 1 Comment
November 7th, 2010
The gap between the Haves and the Have-Nots isn’t due to anything the former group is doing. But, verifiably and legitimately, it is due to what the latter group is NOT doing. Things like NOT increasing their skill sets, improving their minds, changing their beliefs, and solving problems or adding value in some way, shape, […]
Filed under: Common Sense, Critical-Thinking, Personal Responsibility, Prosperity Mind / Wealth Creation | No Comments
September 23rd, 2010
Last week, Barry wrote a post talking about victimitis-thinking and how some people expect a handout when things are bad for them. It reminded me of our new weekly date-night viewing experience — the equivalent of taking in a movie, but without having to find a babysitter or parking, and without having to spend close […]
Filed under: Critical-Thinking, Entrepreneurship, Personal Achievement, Personal Responsibility | 3 Comments
March 1st, 2010
If you have the very crippling belief that certain people — namely teachers, gurus, or mentors — should fit into some consenus mold when it comes to how they should talk (i.e., like the outdated notion that, for instance, a self-labeled LOA or spiritual coach should gently coddle her/his pupils), you’re in for an awakening. […]
Filed under: Personal Achievement, Personal Responsibility, Self-Freedom / Emotional Mastery, Videos | 4 Comments
January 18th, 2010
We’ve talked about this before, but we think it’s high time we brought it up again… especially since a counterpart of ours (a personal development products marketer) just sent out the following email: “I’m not sure if you know this about me but I try to avoid watching or reading the news as much as possible. […]
Filed under: Critical-Thinking, NEWS, Personal Responsibility | 23 Comments
December 11th, 2009
Barry came across this new blog post written by John Mylant, a trading coach that he follows. When we both read it, we felt that it highly resonated with the way we think, and what we teach (or, some would say, preach). Yes, we’re big on congruency. We’ve dissolved business partnerships, and personal partnerships, based […]
Filed under: Personal Achievement, Personal Responsibility | No Comments
August 2nd, 2009
As a researcher of metaphysics, interviewer, writer, and just plain open-minded explorer of all things that help us humans DISCOVER, CONTRIBUTE and get RESULTS, I’ve seen and heard some fascinating “stuff.” Things that make me jump up and down and yell, “Holy @#$%… that was very cool,” and things that cause me to shake my […]
Filed under: Critical-Thinking, Personal Responsibility, Prosperity Mind / Wealth Creation | 27 Comments
July 26th, 2009
A little over 10 days ago — give or take a few (don’t hold me to it) — one of our local radio DJs, during his afternoon news update, told how a Staten Island 15-year-old teenager, in classic Looney Tune style, fell down an open manhole while walking AND texting. He basically said that the […]
Filed under: Common Sense, Critical-Thinking, Personal Responsibility | 12 Comments