( Video ) – You’ve Been Conditioned to ‘Play it Safe’!

♦ ♦ ♦ It can be a crazy world out there at times — a world driven by crowd-thinking, political correctness, and philosophical nonsense that is bombarding you to “fit in.” If it’s not conservative religious groups trying to regulate and control morality, it’s human rights activists going overboard to the point of trumping common […]

Filed under: Happiness / Fulfillment, Self-Freedom, Videos | 2 Comments

The “Pursuit of Happiness” Can Cause Unhappiness

You know, besides watching The Amazing Race or Entourage every Sunday night (with a big bowl of popcorn) with my partner-in-crime (the also amazing Heather), there’s nothing more exciting than helping folks wrap some grounded “common sense” around some pretty esoteric, deeply cerebral topics. Just talking about (or pontificating on) any aspect of “manifestation” applies […]

Filed under: Happiness / Fulfillment, Self Help Nonsense | No Comments

The ‘Love Now’ Music Video

Quite a departure from our standard long-mouth probing commentary — yes, we know we’re due for another Bill Maher-like post to provoke some thought… or, at least make your head shake. For today, however, we’re just trying to open your heart. So, let us know how you FEEL, by commenting below, about this video: ♦ […]

Filed under: Happiness / Fulfillment, Love & Relationship Skills, Videos | 17 Comments

Lifestyles of The Rich and Hard-Working

Even though I was intentionally setting out to dive into some more intriguing areas of AskMen.com, I couldn’t help but notice this conveniently located (didn’t have to scroll the page to see it) and bolded question asked to Robin Leach: Which houses took your breath away? “Well, the house in Germany with 365 rooms and […]

Filed under: Happiness / Fulfillment, Prosperity Mind / Wealth Creation | 5 Comments

Fake Happiness, Raw Growth, & The Next ‘Harry Potter’

Candid Camera was a popular television program in the US in the 1960s. The program used real-world experiments in social psychology as the source of its humorous scenarios. The resulting programs were not only entertaining, but also instructive. For example, how independent is the average person when confronted with the all-powerful “consensus of the group?” […]

Filed under: Happiness / Fulfillment, Personal Achievement | 9 Comments

I Don’t Want To Be Happy [ Guest Commentary ]

At the end of yesterday’s post, “The Pursuit of Pleasure,” Heather briefly mentioned (via the P.S.) a RESOURCE that’ll show you how to EXIT the rat race and become a “Mobile Entrepreneur” with the ability to live, travel or work anywhere. The owner of this resource, ExitMyJob, wrote a very synchronisitic (similar in thought) article […]

Filed under: Happiness / Fulfillment | 15 Comments