Why do you keep telling people this… ?

“I don’t have the time!” Well, if you don’t, in theory, neither do I. You see, time is the one constant that all us human beings have. After all, we each have the same 86,400 seconds per day to do what we need, want, and have to do. Somebody once said that life gives us […]

Filed under: Time Management | 1 Comment

What’ya Doing With Your 24 Hours?

On Sunday, we talked about taking the  journey of life with YOUR eyes wide open — as in, yes, absolutely, DO explore with fascination, but LIVE too, while you’re doing it. Some might say we’re pretty opinionated about HOW we “think” others — our readers, seekers, self-improvement proponents — should take that journey. We’re not […]

Filed under: Personal Achievement, Time Management | 5 Comments