February 9th, 2011
“The road to success looks like this: go to school, get a degree, and work at a good job for the rest of your life.” It might be old advice, but I grew up being very familiar with its essence. After all, my parents both have degrees (my Dad has several, including a PhD), my […]
Filed under: Critical-Thinking, Institutionalized Thinking/Formal Education | 4 Comments
January 10th, 2011
I didn’t set out with a desire to create a post about a topic so dispiriting — so head-shakingly disgusting — to start off the week. Nope, actually… instead, Heather and I were thinking about creating a poll around the very inspiring subject of “money multiplication” — as in, growing the digital ‘fiat’ cash in […]
Filed under: Common Sense, Critical-Thinking, NEWS, Self-Sabotage | 10 Comments
December 11th, 2010
Barry’s preface: I can already see the writing on the wall — ah, I mean in our support desk. Whenever we choose to highlight a subject that is… oh… not so fun, not so feel-good, not so ______ (fill in the blank with anything a person who wears rose-colored-glasses would presume our Life Without Limits […]
Filed under: Critical-Thinking, NEWS | 18 Comments
November 7th, 2010
The gap between the Haves and the Have-Nots isn’t due to anything the former group is doing. But, verifiably and legitimately, it is due to what the latter group is NOT doing. Things like NOT increasing their skill sets, improving their minds, changing their beliefs, and solving problems or adding value in some way, shape, […]
Filed under: Common Sense, Critical-Thinking, Personal Responsibility, Prosperity Mind / Wealth Creation | No Comments
October 31st, 2010
Yesterday I mentioned to Barry that the trick-or-treaters would probably start arriving today at about 3 p.m., due to a rash of “safety” stories from the media. Then as we made dinner together, listening to the local radio station, the evening DJ signed off by saying, “Be safe this Halloween… above all, be safe!” (Judging […]
Filed under: Common Sense, Critical-Thinking, Videos | 4 Comments
September 23rd, 2010
Last week, Barry wrote a post talking about victimitis-thinking and how some people expect a handout when things are bad for them. It reminded me of our new weekly date-night viewing experience — the equivalent of taking in a movie, but without having to find a babysitter or parking, and without having to spend close […]
Filed under: Critical-Thinking, Entrepreneurship, Personal Achievement, Personal Responsibility | 3 Comments
September 17th, 2010
About 3 weeks ago here, I threw out my appeal for thinking straight — for being the person who doesn’t sit back, ponder about life, and produce little of substance. I talked about how “talk” (in the form of the Washington-infused word HOPE) means nothing when it comes to increasing your monetary value (the post […]
Filed under: Critical-Thinking, Personal Achievement, Prosperity Mind / Wealth Creation | 6 Comments
September 1st, 2010
Being that there was a delusional idiot in Maryland, who until moments ago was holding several Discovery Channel workers hostage because he felt the T.V. network wasn’t interested in his view on how to “save the planet,” I think this is a good time to revive a rant. As I briefly mentioned in my prior post, […]
Filed under: Common Sense, Critical-Thinking, NEWS | 4 Comments
May 31st, 2010
Uhmmmmm, now methinks this is gonna get all the spiritually-conservative, status-quo, freedom-loving types in an uproar. In an era where there’s so much delusion and downright blatant propaganda about just what it means to be “free,” I can’t stand the thought of finishing today’s blog title with the misused word “Pride.” Genuine pride for me, […]
Filed under: Critical-Thinking, Prosperity Mind / Wealth Creation | 5 Comments
March 10th, 2010
No we’re not fanatics of the color blue… If your browser displays the entire post below in DARK BLUE, please use FireFox to view it. The background of our blog displays WHITE in 90% of browsers. ♦ ♦ ♦ Last year, in May, we included a seemingly misfit person — someone no longer with us — on […]
Filed under: Comedy, Critical-Thinking, Hidden Heroes, Uncategorized, Videos | 4 Comments