The Month Of Love and Self-Esteem

Once upon a time, Valentine’s Day for me was about not being the one kid in class who got less cards than everybody else. It was a popularity contest… and it was always predictable who would walk away with bags full of Valentines, while the rest of us could just tuck the few we got […]

Filed under: Metaphysical Marketing, Personal Achievement | 2 Comments

Something-for-Nothing Thinkers – Know One ?

One of the most useful aspects of dealing with “human nature” is that you can learn best from it when it’s at its worst – when it lets its most victimitis-thinking, finger-pointing, cynical self rear its head. And, as a teaching tool, it becomes even more powerful (and fun) as we get to highlight some […]

Filed under: Metaphysical Marketing, Online / Passive Income | 27 Comments