LWL Tools — Post #5 ( Preface )

UPDATE ( Friday Night, 11-21, 5:10 pm PST ) – I’m a little delayed on releasing the second video – the one I mentioned in the video below as being ready a day later…. ohhhhh daaaady, priorities and estimated completion times sure do change when there’s a 1-month old baby in da house :

An 8-minute video giving you a heads-up about tomorrow’s unique tool we found:

Press the arrow on the left, or the video screen, to start the video

Video Length 7:59 –
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Filed under: LWLTools.com, Videos

7 Responses to “LWL Tools — Post #5 ( Preface )”

  1. I guess I’m going to disappoint you in this… no whining, complaining or other negativity. Instead, take this… I am so grateful that I have an area here filled with helpful materials I can use to help me get to and achieve my goals.

    I am in a new stage of my life and am preparing for the New Civilization. I want to be at the forefront of all new information and ideas… your material is helping me to get there.

    Thank you for all that you both do.

  2. Barry, it is such a relief to hear a voice of reason amidst so much “ignorance” and dare I say it, the idea that we “have to feel good”! As you know, I have a process that uses the things we don’t like or want in our lives to identify the hidden beliefs and transform them with Truth from the heart. When we stop believing the lies, and looking at the world through Truth, we begin to see things very differently, and with measurable effect that goes beyond our “personal” lives. I have a free online course and newsletter, and plans to open a store online next year. I hope I can offer some of your products in my store when it opens. Thanks again!

  3. Bravo, Bravo, Bravo! The most spiritual thing we can do is take responsibility for our actions and the impact those actions have. It’s one thing to talk the talk and something completely different to walk the walk.

    Thanks for your candid insights.

    Kathleen Gage

  4. Great message Barry ! It reminds me a little bit of Werner Ehard ( and that is a good thing )

    My only other observation is that this is the 20th ( well 21st now ) and this is the same message as yesterday. I was expecting the message that comes after the preface on Post # 5 that came out on the 19th. So, my question is, when do we recieve the message you had told us would come tommorrow on the 20th ? Hope that makes sense.

    All the best to you and your family !

  5. Hey Ted, glad to see you find my articulation of “self-accountable thinking” in-tune with the founder of such a change-making ( but often controversial* ) organization: EST/Landmark.

    * = “controversial” due to it’s marketing and course cross/up-sell practices… but, go figure. The Sheeples / critics of the world having a problem with a mix of spirituality-marketing-business.

    Good stuff 🙂

    So, to answer your question: The unveiling of Tool #5 will be posted here by Friday, 6pm EST ( USA Time )

  6. Thanks for that view Ted. I’m another Ted who agrees with you and Barry – Ted.P

  7. Somehow I lost touch with your site since I joined up with you yet I also believe that somehow it all happens for a reason. I’ve taken quite the journey though the internet since I first stumbled on LWL. Then today I open you’re email and this tool/blog/page with new eyes to what is out here on the internet.

    I look forward to what you have to share to morrow with a new way of listening. Lady J

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