( Video ) – You’ve Been Conditioned to ‘Play it Safe’!

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It can be a crazy world out there at times — a world driven by crowd-thinking, political correctness, and philosophical nonsense that is bombarding you to “fit in.”

If it’s not conservative religious groups trying to regulate and control morality, it’s human rights activists going overboard to the point of trumping common sense.

Because of time-worn social norms, meddling governmental regulations, protectionist mindsets and victim-driven thinking, it’s NOT easy to fight the peer pressure to fit into a mold that isn’t YOU.

Is the world missing the real you because you’ve been conditioned to play it safe?

That’s not something we need to expand on any more than just asking that question.

Because, here’s something you can do to find out:

LISTEN to the song, from 3 Doors Down, via the video below. Close your eyes (you really don’t need to watch the Shrek clips, as it’s not the images that really matter). Feel the energy of the words. And, when listening to the song, in a quiet place, just ask yourself:

“Is it okay that I fight to ‘be myself’, even if others don’t approve?”

Only you can really know for sure.

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For another version — the official Let Me Be Myself Music video — watch at YouTube

Here’s the RUB though: finances often hold 90% of the populace back:  without a solid flow of income, without understanding how to use money to grow money, without fearless cash-flow, you’re standing in quicksand.

Read our short 5-page PDF here:
“How To Shake Off Income Worries”

Filed under: Happiness / Fulfillment, Self-Freedom, Videos

2 Responses to “( Video ) – You’ve Been Conditioned to ‘Play it Safe’!”

  1. Once again you guys have found something inspiring from an unlikely source. That’s one of the great things about your blog and newsletter. Instead of another quote from Gandhi or a contemporary self help guru, you pull out great stuff from Three Doors Down, Bill Hicks and others that nobody else thinks about.

  2. after reading this post, I am so happy to have found you guys again. I recently took a leap of faith myself and I am in Rio, centering and collecting my thoughts. Your website will help me in this pursuit.

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