Buckle Up For The Ride Of Your Life
What kind of life have you had? Lots of ups with just a few downs… or lots of downs with just a few ups? Or maybe an even stream of both, in a gently undulating — yet never overwhelming — cycle of moderate highs and lows?
Is it the way you would like it? When you’re presented with an obstacle, do you accept defeat, or do you see it as a tough challenge that needs to be overcome? And do you see those challenges as problematic, as evidence that you’re a victim who needs to be nurtured and helped… or do you see them as reasons to prove to the world that you’re an unstoppable survivor?
We don’t always get what we think we want, but we do get what we’re meant to have.
This concept is shown in the following video clip from Evan Almighty, starring Steve Carell (the follow-up hit to Bruce Almighty starring Jim Carrey). God, played by Morgan Freeman, gives Evan’s wife Joan, played by Lauren Graham, a lesson on how the Universe works (he says “God”, but… same thing):
The most profound part of the clip is found in these lines:
“If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient?
If they pray for courage, does God give them courage, or does he give them opportunities to be courageous?”
Sometimes we want things to be a certain way, but we want it to magically be that way. We want smooth sailing, we want glory with no guts, we want to take the easy road.
But there are no ups without downs, no mountains without valleys, and no fronts without backs. The Universe is in balance, and we have to take the “bad” with the “good”.
But… what is “bad”? And what is “good”? Do these qualities exist in our world, or are these just labels we place on things, judgements that we give to situations?
Is a mountain truly any more or less awe-inspiring, any more or less beautiful, any more or less a wondrous creation than a valley?
And if we want to be on top of a mountain… and we’re presented with the opportunity to climb over rough, dangerous terrain, risking our lives and limbs before we’re finally able to stand victorious at the summit… did we not achieve what we wanted? Were we not granted what we asked for, despite the hardships of getting there?
So then… aren’t the downs in life, the tough times, just as important and rewarding as the ups?
= = = = =
Our friends Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher have written an article entitled How to Transcend The Roller Coaster Ride of Life that tells us yes, the downs are in fact a huge part of what our souls want us to experience.
Here’s an excerpt from the article:
“You are an eternal being who has come here to experience the ride of your life! You’ve signed up to attend this roller coaster ride called life so that you could learn some amazing things and grow immensely. Being the infinite soul that you truly are, you cannot die, so there is nothing really here to fear. To resist any experience you are given is just saying “NO” to this divine growth and forgetting you are an infinite being. Saying NO to any experience is simply a mis-understanding of the infinite Self, and you end up defining yourself as small, helpless and finite. This is not the reason WHY you are here. You are here to say YES to each experience that arises no matter what is given.”
This is a tough nut to swallow. What it means is, every time we go through rough times, every time we get hurt, or angry, or sad, it’s valuable to our growth. It’s not time to say, “poor me”, or look for sympathy, or even to try to get the pain to go away. It’s meant to be.
We may wish for easygoing, effortless fun all the time, but it’s not what our souls want for us. It’s not what we came here to experience, and it’s not what will help us grow and tap into our true identity as a powerful and infinite being.
Although, to take this one step further, what seems to be painful to us, what seems to be rough and tough, is in fact easygoing, effortless fun to our souls. So it’s only by judging that we feel we should get off the roller coaster; our souls, meanwhile, are enjoying the ride for all it’s worth. Yes, the downs just as much as the ups; in fact, on a roller coaster, the downs are often MORE fun than the ups.
So what do you think? Do you feel that life’s “downs” should be minimized, or made to go away, so we can experience as much as possible through positive rose-colored glasses? Or are we meant to embrace the full experience of the “downs” as a learning tool, as a means of growth, and accept that the soul wants us to get a full-spectrum color experience in this world?
Read Jafree and Margot’s full article, and share your thoughts, in our forum here:
How To Transcend the Roller Coaster of Life.
Your Partners in the Quest For
Living A Life Without Limits,
P.S. If you haven’t yet gotten your free Harmonic Ascension holiday gift from us… our giveaway offer is ending at 4pm EST New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31, 2007.
Filed under: Personal Achievement, Self-Freedom / Emotional Mastery
Roller Coaster Ride. I understand we are here to learn something. But why is it that some go through Life much harder than others, while others go through Life with no problems whatsoever. Don’t they have anything to learn?? I also know that some have to suffer in order to let others learn. It is unfair isn’t it?? Yes, I’m resentful and I shouldn’t be, It’s something I’m still working on!!! Yes, I know, change my thinking, attitude, be positive. It’s hard when Life sends one disappointment after another. I need more confidence in myself!! Thanks for the article, Anna
[…] and I just posted an article over at the LWL Worldwide blog that discusses the concept, and invites readers to post their thoughts in our […]
Anna, you ask excellent questions and make some great points.
Is it that others have no problems or that some simply handle problems differently than others? Is it that they have chosen to see the difficulties as the seeds of spirit that enhance their journey.
Granted, some people definitely have more to handle in this life time than others. Yet, often it is the very obstacles one has been given that allow them to move closer to their purpose… or further away.
Is it that our purpose is ultimately to surrender to the core of who we are and at times it is the experiences we have that move us in the direction we are destined to move?
Is it that often it is our ego that tells us we “should be” or “should not be” doing this, that or the other. Is it that EGO simply represents when we are Etching God Out.
We likely do not know the lessons others are here to learn.
Is it in the suffering we learn? Or is it in the ability to let go and be guided that we learn the ultimate lesson?
It has been said, “The higher my expectations, the lower my serenity.” Could it be that in the expectations one has set, the disappointments reside?
Could it be that ultimately the lesson is about trust?
Could it be too that with some things in life there is not lesson? That perhaps there are some things that simply happen as a part of life. Perhaps there are some situations that happen that are simply a situation and not a lesson.
Could it be that perhaps our circumstances are a direct result of our attitude and thinking? Could it be that with a slight shift of perception, a massive shift in our consciousness awaits.
Kathleen Gage
Well as far as the roller coaster. Yes we all have to learn and sometimes I think that, well if I want to be something or experience something then I have to grow into that and it is because I want to grow into that I have to go through the learning to be able to appreciate it or be able to handle it. Like for example if you really want to have an excellent relationship, well then you will have to learn how to be compassionate, be a good communicator, have patients, know how to say and show your love, and so on, in order to experience or have this.
So yes there is learning, but also alot of what we experience is perception and perception is where we put a label on something being good or bad, it is sometimes difficult, when you are so close and involved emotionally in a situation, to step back and observe your thoughts and feeling when you are perceiving the situation as good of bad. Many of the things we experience are also brought on by our beliefs, usually unconscious beliefs …”as you believe it is done onto you” therefore if you believe you are not worthy then your will attract the experiences that will prove this “perceived” experience unto you.
What we all really need to learn to do..and I am learning this, to look at what we are perceiving the experience to be and say “why am I perceiving it this way”, or “what can I learn form this experience”. Look for the underlining belief that might have caused this experience. Is it my perception of the events that is making me think this is good or bad.? Have I attracted this situation before in my life?…and if so what belief must I have in order to have attracted this?
Yes it can get complicated but we must send the situation and ourselves love and peace, for that is really what we want to experience. Give the problem and the perceived situation up to God for if we are attracting a situation that is perceived bad then it is based upon a erroneous belief. Try to un-cover this erroneous belief and hand it over to God, forgive yourself for having this erroneous belief and love yourself because you deserve love, we are love and really love is all there is. Our humaness sometimes gets in the way of knowing who we really are. Can you tell me who we really are?
I am beginning to know….
For many years I was very upset with the downs in my life because I could not see how I sabotaged myself. When I discovered that we create all we experience 35 years ago it was a hard nut to swallow. I did all that to me? Yes I did which smoothed out the roller coaster ride. I was more mindful of what I did and did not reject myself of get mad at myself for the downs. I stopped blaming and judging others. This forced me to stop justifying my own behaviour. When I began to take responsibility for my own life it improved very fast.
What I discovered in my psychological practice over the last 30 years is that if you come from a functional family you have a totally different outlook on life. dysfunctional
families produce dysfunctional adults in later life. My question was what allows a specific person to achieve a life without the roller coaster ride. We have to evaluate what is a life without conflicts? If we perceive only one side of a persons life we think that they have achieved success because they have wealth with an easy life style.
But, have they really accomplished the end result of success? You may have money, yet you can not buy health and wellness. The roler coaster in health does not
start popping up until in life. How about supportive relationships. When over 50% of the population is divorced or single what about that roller coaster. Wealth sometimes causes many roller coasters in that area of life.
It comes down to the question as Anna stated Why do some people get by and others seem to slide through. This is the questiion many of my clients have. I find the more you can take responsibility for your life and the less you compare your lot in life with others the better off you are. It may appear some people do not have the problems you have yet you have not walked in their shoes or they may not have bumped up with the tough lessons in life yet.
My life ran very smooth with no roller coaster until I decided to delve into my life and get off auto pilot. When I sold my business and changed to the psychological field everything seemed to work right until I began to evaluate what made life work the way it did. We are here as to be co-creators of the universe. When we get into the big picture over many life times we can see how we created where we are now. I have written two books about my experiences looking into what causes us to be where we are in our life. “Becoming a Spiritual Being In A Physical Body and Your Body is Talking Are You listening? These are my viewpoints on what makes our life work and how to change our path to a more smooth life without the roller Coaster ride we have been experiencing. It worked for me and most of my clients. I do not see life as unfair any longer. When we can take control and take responsibility for every action in our life we can see a smoother path. Some times it takes a lot of forgiving and accepting of what is. We allow others to do what they do to us. Sometimes it takes a lot of commitment, intention and discipline to break the barrier and get out of the box with blinders on.
Mental imprinting by our parents our life. So we have to ask whose life are we living? our parents or ours? Mnay time this is what creates the roller coaster ride because we are trying to break free of perceived parental control. This was my conflict and for 85% of my clients. Some people can break this barrier with no problem. You can see them in business today. These are the People Anna has reference to. They only look obnvious because they are out there to be seen. But they are few and far between if you evaluate the total population of the developed world today. It used to be that only 5% controlled all the wealth. It is shifting now with the internet and ther fact that young people today have a new different wiring in their brain dfue to the technological age.
It is hard for the people born before 1960 but we can do it.
it is just a longer learning curve to get off the rioller Coaster. Art Martin Contact me if you are interested in my comments.
I personally like and want all ups and no downs. For those of you who like the downs and desire them then enjoy your desires. Not me though and I don’t believe for one moment that the downs teach anything besides misery and pain.
Great blog! I loved that quote in the movie when I saw it.
Not only are the valleys valuable for the challenge that they provide (and the satifsfaction of meeting that challenge when it has passed), but for the ability to appreciate the mountains when we get there. If life were always good, how would you know? You have to appreciate both; without that contrast, you can’t see the good times for what they are.
The more valleys I come to, the more shallow each one seems. As each rolls by, I realize that I will safely get through if I trust, as you say, that the Universe is in balance, and everything happens for a reason.
Some of my deepest valleys have brought the most understanding and peace into my life, and some of my highest mountains came from appreciating all the simple gifts that are in my life every day.
So no, I don’t think we should try and level them out, but instead learn to float above them as best as we can.
It is a great article. And I totally agree with the downs or ups as opportunity. One thing I’m having a hard time with is: when do you know to keep pressing no matter the odds, and when to let it go, and let it be?
It seems that the message (as everything in life) is to go forth for what your heart desires, yet there’s the thought it should be somewhat easy, or at least “flowing”. From the tough times comes the lessons and the greates opportunities.
How can you tell that when something is so right and feels extremely good; everything else is against it, do you give up or keep going, hanging on to the vision of the posibility of existance?
What I’ve discovered is that all learning is meaningless. We are Eternal, Infinite, Indestructible, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Beings with total awareness of love with no opposite, peace with no opposite and joy with no opposite. In the human state of consciousness, we are playing a game to exercise our freedom of being Co-Creators with God. We are creating a polarized universe to see what it would be like to be the opposite of the Eternal Indestructible Reality that we are ALWAYS One with. In order to pull this off, we have to deny who we really are. Denying our indestructibility automatically puts us in the fearful dimension with creates the illusion of duality – good and evil, right and wrong, which then creates (attracts) the ups and downs of life. It’s all made up from our denial. Once we reclaim and are certain of our invulnerability, fear disappears and the law of attraction no longer attracts harm, suffering or disease. The ups and downs then disappear and we’re back to our natural, all peaceful, all ecstatic, all loving and all lovable Self. Then what we attract is beyond our most wonderful wildest imagination.
I think that when we become better at dealing with the ‘downs’, then we are able to have more ‘ups’.
It may be useful to remember universal law is the same in every plane or sphere. I love mountaintop experiences, but once you climb above the treeline, there is no more growth. Where does everything grow? In the valleys! More than that, growth increases in proportion to the clime. Tropical zones teem with life and are thick with it, moreso than the temperate zones, which in turn support more growth than the frigid zones. So whatever you call it, heat, pressure, valleys, trials or tribulations, look ahead to your goals and smile. ‘Act as if’… and you will find yourself having grown into your goals almost without notice, until the day you look back and realize, “Hey, I’m Here! I Made It!”
I love that post! It’s so true that life is all about ups and downs!
It took me quite a while to get the hang of seeing opportunities that exist in difficult/traumatic events. It wasn’t until my mum died 19 years ago that it suddenly dawned on me what opportunities that tragedy gave me. I definitely learnt about responding as opposed to reacting to something — don’t get me wrong, it didn’t happen immediately!
And then as the years have gone on… I’ve been more able to stand back from the crisis at hand and see the opportunities that exist. It isn’t easy… it’s a choice that you make.
People have their own personal challenges to deal with and these challenges can be very rewarding in terms of your personal development if you only give them a chance to.
Hey, Anna and Art… you guys both alluded to “Why do some people get by and others seem to slide through”… and I’d say the operative phrase here is “seem to”.
I’ve interviewed hundreds of “successful” people, including celebrities, success experts, spiritual growth teachers, authors, coaches, and so forth… and NONE of them actually are skating through life without ups and downs. If anyone exists out there in a “perfect” reality, with 100% “up” relationships, monetary wealth, business ventures, health, and everything else… show them to me, because I don’t think they exist.
People only show us the sides they want to. A rich person MAY be miserable, or have a terrible marriage, or be on poor terms with their families… or someone with an apparent perfect relationship might be fighting all the time when others aren’t around, or dead broke, or have some other problems. We all have downs to deal with.
Lenny… interesting comment, sounds like you’ve been studying Robert Scheinfeld! 😉 And very true for the most part, but I don’t think learning is “meaningless” because it’s part of the game we came here to play. That discovery process, that we are infinite beings, is very much learning in itself.
Anyhow, a lot of great thoughts here… keep em coming.
I believe as we cannot change the past, we need to work with it as it is and change the now. In many circumstances we may have unwittingly planted the seeds to what has occurred. The question then becomes, how do we change what we plant today?
silver linings on the clouds –
Great blog…
IMHO…Could it be that in this roller coaster called life..that no matter where we are along the ride, we have the opportunity to adjust the ride? Are we not all born with the tools called will, choice, desire, focus and imagination? We all have the free choice to decide whether we are going to learn from any given situation and how deeply the learning will go. It seems to me that we are all learning lessons and when one hasn’t learned enough from any particular “lessen”, it usually gets repeated in some form!
I have heard it said that “God” is all things and is in all things. If that is the case, it seems that “god” does not object to being all things…so maybe there is something to learn by considering that.
In my viewpoint, there is exponential growth beyond the treeline. One can view that which cannot be seen from the valley and then gain perspective in the journey! One can also find peace and gain a more “cosmic” or overall view of all that is from the mountain top!
IMHO….Whether or not you will learn what life has to teach you will be governed by your attitude and your perceptions…
This is definately what I needed to be reminded of.
We all have all traits, and it’s whether or not we choose to utilize it at any particular moment.
Some of them are more developed than others, and when we ask for what we want, it truely is the opportunity to build that trait. May not be easy, because as we know, most of the time it doesn’t show up in the form that we think it will.
This is a great reminder as I have been asking for more patience, courage, and love…and God’s Universe is definately giving me tons of opportunites to be that…only I haven’t recognized it until now.
It’s easy to recognize the “good” stuff….it’s acknowledging the “bad” stuff that challenges us into growing into our full potential…oh my goodness we might actually have to admit that we were “wrong”!…and in that we balance the perception of being “right”.
Love the EGO acronym Kathleen, Etching Out God…yes, it’s a stubborn bugger that one!
Awesome….thank you for reminding me that I am getting exactly what I have been asking for!
Love Carmen
Hi Heather,
I guess it’s that I don’t call it learning but
“remembering” our True Identity. We decided to play the opposite of being eternal and indestructible by hypnotizing ourselves into believing that we were timebound, fragile, vulnerable beings which opened up the extreme potentials on the movie screen called life or the world. In quantum physics it would be the observer expecting the possibility of extremes and then the wave collapsing into that possibility. That’s what causes the ups and downs of life – which would be perfect for Drama Queens. But if we’re trying to be deliberate creators, we have to remove the idea of extreme polar opposites from our mind. And I believe we can do that by taking back and claiming our eternal, infinite indestructible nature right now. That will make the extremes meaningless and then the law of attraction will only bring peace, joy, love, harmony, ecstasy, freedom, etc. into our lives.
Yes, I love Robert Scheinfeld’s ideas, however those particular ideas (playing a game of the opposite of our true nature) have been around for a long time. A Course in Miracles was written in the 60s and it says the same.
The degree of ‘ups and downs’ we have depends on our resisting ‘what is’. It is only the resisting that causes us pain – and then more of whatever we’re resisting. The so-called lessons we have are just what we create ourselves, nothing more, nothing less – by resisting. Some might then say – ‘oh, then I need to allow people to treat me badly’ (or whatever our particular issue is) – but the thing is, once we stop resisting, that particular thing doesn’t happen anymore.
If we could only really ‘get’ that, we’d be free of all fear and pain.
It seems your blogg alerted a few people In my statement
I clearly stated that I have found that very few people escape the reality of life. I have met a few people who have very successful lives in all quadrants physical, mental/emotional, spiritual, and career/business. My feeling from my experience with them is they have been at this for many lifetimes. We are on the path to evolvement everyday of our life. where we are in the school of life depends on our level of awareness. Lessons come to us every day. can we recognize them? Some people do. They are the ones who continue to build a better life.
There is no need to suffer an struggle. We can get off the roller coaster and get into a rocket going straight up if we desire to. We see it everyday with these young people on the internet. But that is not to say that the other side of their life is balanced as I said before you can’t buy health and wellness. The spiritual path can have many boulders in it. The test is always age. Where are you when you are 70 years of age. I an there so I have had a lot of lessons , yet I am starting a new life with new lessons. We are living at the most exciting time in history right now. The secret is to accept what is and forgive what is trying to bite you and go for the goal. nobody can stop you except your limitations you place on yourself.
Art Martin http://www.energymedicineinstitute.com
Art Martin
I just so happen to be Indigo and I know there is much more to whats going on in this world than most new age people can comprehend. Have I had my share of ups and downs? you bet, however for me it is part of the training process I signed up for. I am a soldier and a warrior but not the kind that has mislead this country for he is nothing more than a coward of insurmountable magnitude. You see lessons are a 2 way street and when you see someone who is consumed by the dark side its imperative that you speak out and stand strong in your convictions.
Hey Heather I agree with what you said about appearances. The masks that people wear. Its ironic because I worked for a man who was one of those rags to riches individuals that was admired by many in the community. However his secretary saw his true nature and I saw even more than she did. This guy was driven by his ego in the worst way possible. He used his charm to manipulate and eventually alienate the very people who helped him get where he was.
There was one incident where I saw this intense fear in him as he was going through his divorce. His little house of cards was collapsing quickly. He had a woman on the side who he kept right out in the open for at least 7 years. I think in some ways many were drawn to him just like a bug to a zapper. They knew his true nature but it was their curiocity that drew them in.
I learned quite a bit from this experience. To me it was a facinating study of human nature. To those who believe that money is the root of all evil, its not the money, its the intent behind the money. Initially his motivation was one of not wanting to be poor but then his fear of being poor is what drove him.
The one thing this reminds me of is you better treat people nicely on your way up as you will surely meet the same people on your way down.
Hi Art,
Yes, you have some good thoughts in your comments… but I just wanted to point out a couple of things.
You said, “There is no need to suffer and struggle. We can get off the roller coaster and get into a rocket going straight up if we desire to. We see it everyday with these young people on the internet.”
First off, we’re saying the roller coaster is NOT about suffering or struggling, it’s about embracing the opportunities to experience, live, learn, grow and develop.
Secondly… the rocket only goes straight up for so long, and then it crashes down. Ups and downs are a part of life and the more extreme the ups, the more extreme the downs as a result.
Third… I know a lot of the internet marketing gurus, and while you may look at them and think their lives are 100% perfect… it’s just like celebrities, there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes that we don’t know about.
Hollywood celebrities have beauty, fame, money… but so often they have terrible relationships, getting married and divorced time and time again.
John Demartini says it’s all about values. You excel in the areas you value most, whether that be money, relationships, parenting, or what-have-you. And, we don’t excel in the areas we don’t value as much, it’s all about balance.
I love it. We see what we want to see it is all about prescription and sometime we need a little help.
Opportunities abound see them and live them.
I am starting to read more and more where people are making the statement that ,”I chose to be brought into exsistence”. I totally disagree!!. I am also noticing that us humans seem to always have an answer for everything, including what is stated in the book called the Bible and almost every human has a different version of life. I think if we truly had an answer for all of our ups and downs then we would probably be “perfect” and would have no need for this imperfect body. If I have a message here it would be for us humans to stop telling each other , “You better do this or that to have total abundant happiness”. I would also like to suggest that we humans just keep our mouths shut and help each other the best we can in all areas of our lifes so that our journey here can be a more peaceful one. ” The human mouth is the most dangerous and deadly weapon on this planet”. Let us look inward all the the time and let the Universe instruct us when to speak??
Carlos Castaneda said, “Shamans have said that self-importance is self-pity disguised as something else.”
With that said and commenting favorably on your blog—it is in the right vein—I would add a kind of caution. Hinting that we must ENDURE the “downs” as a part of being human, seems to divert from the original idea that we have the power OF creation.
Tell someone who has lost a wife, child or a home—- that he should enjoy those wonderful downs. He may have a comment not becoming of our ideas about a benevolent universe. Actually enjoying those things may be the farthest thing from his mind in such a situation. I am not saying that the lesson may not have been necessary to move him from his sticking point—-but enjoying it may not apply in such a case.
I understand the idea of enjoying the downs—but I believe that the reason for any down stems from self-pity masquerading as self importance—resulting in a belief system about this illusion. The downs are only enjoyable because they are reminders to think the opposite.
When you see a bill come in the mail—that may be difficult to pay—it is a reminder that your thinking made the difficult bill in the first place. Therefore you can smile and each time you see it, think it “PAID”. Then you must develop the faith that somewhere—on some plane of actual reality—-not yet visible to us—the bill is paid. At some point, when the balance of thinking has moved from the, “unpaid terrible bill” to the, “Easily Paid Bill”—it will physically manifest as paid.
The rest of the story—-because we all have developed our own particular perception of this illusion—the trials we see are hand picked by the universe. Once again you may smile at a bad situation knowing it was tailored specifically for you. If what you think is who you are—then what you see is what you are. One does not see what one wants to see—one sees what he is—his core beliefs.
If you see lack—you have a belief in lack. If you detach from the lack—remember that it is impossible for such a multidimensional luminous being as yourself to have lack —-then you simply have to think abundance. You are not changing you—-simply the belief.
The end of the story—-No one may fathom the mystery of a human life. We do not live one life after another—but an unknown huge number all at one time—each set of experiences in each separate life contributing to the overall growth of the entity all at once. The Blog indicated
that no one has all “ups”. That is probably true given the level of vibration we generally experience and manifest. However, we must remember that the whole purpose of participating in this illusion—thousands and thousands of lives all interacting at one time—-is to finally bring the valley to an even plane with the mountain. So,—it is possible to have only “ups”—highly improbable, however, at this point in the evolution of the pool of consciousness.
To end this seemingly unending diatribe—I will borrow from Carlos again. ” The flaw with words is that they always make us feel enlightened, but when we turn around to face the world, they always fail us and we end up facing the world as we always have, without enlightenment.”
He goes on to say that it is better to act than to talk. He says one gets a new description of the world when he acts. The acting he is speaking of is not the manipulation of solid things in the world. It is the act of deliberate thinking—the act of deliberate creation. To accomplish that, the balance of the act of deliberate thinking must be on the side of abundance—this may require an awareness of self-talk from second to second.
To have your desire is to lose self-importance—self pity —–and remember in every second the power you wield as a co-creator with All That Is.
Tim M
Only want to say your article is brilliant. The clearness in your post is simply striking and i can take for granted you are an expert on this field. Well with your permission allow me to grab your rss feed to keep up to date with future post. Thanks a million and please keep up the sound work