Robert Ringer sent out a pretty amusing FIRST paragraph on his “Voice of Sanity” newsletter today.
Funny because it reminded us of precisely how there can be such black and white dissonant beliefs when it comes to HOW writing about self-empowerment and spiritual-growth SHOULD be.
While we don’t mind being ostracized by some of our readers for taking an irreverent, critical, questioning view on certain time-worn / completely useless practices and beliefs, it’s still entertaining to SEE how some people, like a crack addict, have the ONGOING “need” to slurp down “happy thoughts” in fear of going into a state of “self-identity” withdrawal (more on that when you click the “continue reading” link).
====== Continued =======
Robert started off his newsletter with:
“I had a dream last night that my unsubscribe link sent me an email saying, ‘would you please stop taking on divisive issues and stick to the touchy-feely stuff?’ Just to be obstinate, my answer to that request was to write this article…”
In other words, he, like us, doesn’t care if you have the need to tell us that you’ll spontaneously and uncontrollably flop around on the floor if you read something that could give you a “bad feeling” — either about life, politics, relationships, or yourself!
Just like we never promised our “Life Without Limits” motto means “Life 100% filtered For Your Protection,” we’ve never stated that success (self-growth) is only derived from clamoring to the sunny side of spirituality.
It’s a sad trend to see, really.
Mystics, sages, saints, and wise Gods have been saying for thousands and thousands of years that self-freedom and liberation comes about by FIRST being self-aware.
It’s apparent to us, however, that HOW to BE “self-aware” is where lot of folks have gotten tripped up lately.
Self-awareness comes about by understanding and embracing the things you fear most. We have community members who tell us they strive to FEEL a sense of constant happiness and positivity. In their mind, “feeling” okay all the time means “BEING” okay.
This false, illusory mindset is the same mindset that causes them to sign up for every “Positive Quote of the Day” email series they can find. Because they believe negativity (any of it – especially when it bubbles up within themselves) means “no control,” they’re in a perpetual state of identity fraud.
Their fix?
A constant dose of touchy-feely quotes… or… hollow, me-too inspiration from mentors who make them feel good about themselves.
While there’s certainly nothing wrong with searching for encouragement, motivation, and uplifting advice when needed, it can be self-defeating if it’s used as a cop-out — a convenient excuse to do nothing — about addressing full-color reality.
Mentally healthy people feel what they are supposed to feel: when they are angry, they feel anger; when they are sad, they feel sadness. The so-called bad feelings are acknowledged, dealt with, and eventually released.
Yet, we have fraudulent spiritual mentors running around out there spoon-feeding people the very “fix” that treats the symptoms and NOT the cause.
These fraudsters are feeding into people’s denial, self-deception, and repression by passing along spiritual half-truths like:
“You can only control the now.”
– or –
“You’re 100% responsible for your own reality — what you see and experience.”
We even know a few manifestation mentors who strive to measure up to the status quo (i.e, do everything they can, marketing wise, to “fit in” with the popular stage-walking well-known teachers)… and as a result, their actions are not congruent with their TRUE inner beliefs (resulting in that hated “sell-out” status we’ve all seen in artists and musicians).
And, a lot of people — the ones at least that are looking for authoritarian validation about living in a self-centered, boxed-in reality — eat this crap up, without introspection, like it’s candy.
Then again, those seekers out there who aren’t afraid to question things and deal with their own self-evident limiting habits, and assess their results in life, don’t.
As one of our readers explained:
“Iโve been told by others that by seeking the truth, regardless of how good, bad, or ugly that truth is and paying attention to certain facts, that I am perpetuating negativity…
… That because they are more enlightened, so to speak, that they donโt have to pay attention to the economy, things the government may be doing, or even to global atrocities because those things are not part of their ‘reality’.” – Angie
Yes, Angie, after hearing that, we would have once puked too!
No more though… because we’ve learned to allow self-awareness and global awareness (big-picture reality) to be part of the same picture.
We don’t strive to identify with gloom and doom / cynical ideas any more than we do optimistic, hopeful, feel-good ideas and issues.
Life stays fascinating and fun around us, when we’re open and brave enough to face old and new fears and examine self-interfering beliefs, all while exploring and being observant to NEW information and possibilities.
We recently came across something — a PDF report — that has the ability to transform you more than anything else we’ve seen in quite awhile.
Yet, in all its complimentary wisdom lies a dark, insidious monster that we already know will cause a lot of our readers to basically say:
“Look, I don’t want to read this,” or “hey, this tastes bad going down.”
Yes, we might lose some readers over this… especially if you end up reading the blog post that this PDF is attached to.
But, you know what?… That’s okay.
Those readers, if they don’t want to know how to get past the monster and keep it gone for good — if they don’t want to be informed about what truly CONTROLS their behavior and experiences — then they can go find a “Positive Quote of the Day” newsletter and be done with it.
We’ll respect their choice. If you’re one of these people, that pill awaits you.
If, on the other hand, you’re a brave Truth seeker, go to the very bottom of our last blog post and download the PDF titled:
“Your Key to Understanding The World“… attached to Part 2 of “Manifesting’s Grandest Conspiracy”.
Your Partners in the Quest For
Living a Life Without Limits,
Filed under: Critical-Thinking, Manifestation, Personal Achievement
Hi Barry and Heather,
Well. I am one of those people who produce an inspirational quote of the day newsletter. My purpose is to lead people to be inspired about life, about the grand mystery, about the journey, and the challenge.
However, I don’t think I honey coat the message. I find many people simply want to have the promise of awakening and self awareness with out the struggle of getting there. We are a society that expects a pill to fix everything, every little pain and hurt.
Only by knowing them can you begin to accept them as an aspect of your life.
I like the way these blog posts are going.
I’m downloading, reading and listening, and learning.
Hi Barry and Heather…
Once again you hit the nail on the head. :>)
I admit it….I do get two inspirational quotes a day, and only two. One from Bob Proctor, who usually finds the best known authors, better than average political leaders or philosophers and quotes a line or two; then on Fridays, it’s an inspirational STORY. Those are pretty good. It’s just enough to give a bit of insight. Then I receive the daily uplift from Tut.com, which is Mike Dooley, who sends Notes from the Universe. They are funny, whimsical and pretty much hit the mark for the kind of day I’m having. One day it was REALLY freaky when he sent one that had a P.S. at the bottom and it said something like, …”and just wait until Paramount buys the copyright on your book to make that movie.” I started to laugh and thought, ‘how the hell did he know that’s what was on my mind?’ So I wrote to his assistant and she e-mailed back and told me…”Well, the Universe is just funny that way; pretty cool, huh?” I get a good chuckle daily and look for a way to sort of tie everything in. It’s just stuff that makes a person say, “hmmmmm. How did he know?” ;>)
Anyone who is afraid to be ‘a downer’ is obviously looking for the perfect life via someone elses idea(s) of success. If people believe they can ‘just forge ahead’ without negative repercussions from a former lifestyle or belief system they’ve had, is living in a dream world. This is not an overnight ‘cleansing’ dynamic…it’s learning how to release the junk our heads have been filled with…but I suppose it’s difficult for most new comers to understand. I use EFT a lot.
It takes time to pull everything out of a walk-in closet and clean or reorganize it after years of clutter. What makes people believe that daily doses of ‘positive’ will help? I guess it just depends on the person. As far as this lady is concerned, (umm, that be me), there was a ton of old junk in my closet and I know it’s going to take time to get it right. Everyone who thinks that an overnight success actually happens overnight is fooling themselves.
As an example, I hate my job…and I’m beginning to dislike my boss much more than before. He’s lowered himself to the ‘worlds worst nitpicker.’ He sides with people who lie their way out of everything, he’ll tell me that I misunderstood them because of their education level (or lack thereof). He uses this as his argument towards me, and the partner I work with, turns the truth into fiction to make it look as though ‘we are the dummies, then lashes out at us for our honesty. He’s childish and overly critical at the same time, and this is NOT where I intend to stay…never was. So, as of this past Friday when he aggravated the living crap out of me, I was silly enough to let this confrontation ruin my entire weekend. The entire issue made me physically sick, and morbidly depressed. Then finally on Sunday night, I’d decided I’d had enough, and he would soon be a part of my ‘past.’ I realigned my focus, AGAIN, by forcing myself to stay awake until 5 a.m. looking for something that I wanted the most…a way of life that I’ve desired for years. I knew that once I got my head out of the out of that murky pond and pealed back the onion a bit more I’d find what I was looking for.
I must admit that the entire confrontation on Friday had me baffled, because I could figure out ‘what’ was going on. But I once more realized that this wasn’t the first time he shoved my head under water, and I suddenly saw that he wants to ‘dumb me down’ as though I’m his personal slave so he does not lose any more accounts. Since I’m the most educated person he has, with degrees, and the others didn’t graduate from high school, he’s pounding on me all the time attempting to take me down to their level. He could care less about my partner and I because he wants us to work our fanny’s off, CHEAPER, give the financial edge to the other uneducated and overpaid odd-balls he employs, so he can pay his $4,300 a month house payment, pay for all of his vehicles, and insurances, buy his son a new car and the list just continues. Suffice it to say, I became very negative and angry, but by doing so I gave him exactly what he wanted…a miserable weekend for ME.
I finally twisted my head back on straight and knew that ‘I’ had to RE-take control of my life. I’ve been putting off the things that I need to do to be successful in the writer’s field. By coming home from work with a backache and sneezing from my allergy to the point where I’m so exhausted and miserably depressed that I could have cared less about what I truly desire, I’d decided to just put the end to his domination over me.
I guess what I’m trying to say is is that sometimes I suppose we all need a ‘good lift’ to feel we are worth something to others. We need to understand that there are days in our lives where everything won’t be perfect. I know that times out there are bad for many people, financially. I know that feeling because I can just barely afford to feed myself. My earnings are ‘below’ the poverty level. I listen to ‘truth’ news on the internet, and not the ‘bought off, main stream media’…and I hear about the people who’ve lost everything they have. I’ve been there and done that. At one point, I couldn’t keep up on my storage bill, the company would not wait 3 more days for all of their money and I lost absolutely ‘everything’ I owned, and it had all been left to me by my mother. It was all I had. Those were the times that I really needed to hear something wonderful was going to happen for me, and I sooooo wanted that miracle.
However, I also realized that it is possible for people to say many great things to attempt to lift the spirits of another…and although it may work for awhile, it isn’t a cure all and it’s NOT going to change anything until WE decide…from the inside out…that we each desire that change badly enough to make that first step forward, even if we take two steps back. That’s how children learn to walk…one step at a time.
Many of us are children when it comes to manifesting…and most of us need great teachers like both of you, to help us understand that in the ‘real world’…there are real choices to make; but unless we know what we truly desire…or where we are inside of that light…no one else can give us that perfect direction. Until we take a good look at who and what we are…even the best teachers will fail.
I truly love you two…You’re sooo absolutely REAL!! :>) Lea
[Heather’s REPLY]
Beautiful, Lea… thanks for sharing.
Last night when I was nursing Konan, Barry printed out your comment and brought it to me, saying it makes him “giddy as a kid at Christmas” when our community members pour out their hearts like you did! ๐
Heather and Barry,
First, congratulations on the little one that has blessed your lives. You two are a blessing to mine.
After reading the pdf, I came away with several thoughts. It contained nothing I didn’t already know, but was an interesting read. I steped back and viewed the world from a macro perspective decades ago, and saw what was really going on. Even though there are those who would control the rest of us, we are all in this together, this game of life. If we allow ourselves to be controlled then that is the way it is for 99.9% of the population.
Fear is the dominating energy lived by the 99.9%. It is only when we open our awareness to the spiritual beings we truly are, that Love awakens within us. Once Love is the dominating energy in our lives, our eyes open to what is. People like Icke help awaken others to what is going on in this earthly plane, but then the people need to know what to do about it. Most probably want to strike back somehow, which then puts them in the same mindset as the Illuminati or Greys, or whomever. The only way to respond is by awakening to their deep inner guidance. I hope most do.
Concerning cognitive dissonance, as long as people stay in fear, their beliefs are what they hang on to. I had a ‘born again Christian’ friend years ago that was always quoting scripture to me. I got tired of it and confronted him one day about it. He said that his beliefs were all he had to hang on to, his safety net. That is the way most people live. Fear keeps them hanging on to their beliefs no matter what they are shown.
I am not sure where you two are going with this current discussion, but I am curious and will keep reading. I doubt many of us that have been reading this see the world with rose-colored glasses. We are all in ‘transition’ from day to day, or even moment to moment. It is a journey. While I don’t live my life thinking everything is peaceful and blissful, I surely want to respond to life that way. So reading Mike Dooley’s daily messages for example, is a way to remind me that I am a powerful spiriutal being when I begin sinking into the abyss of doubt and dread.
Much Love to both of you, Art
[Heather’s REPLY]
Hi Art,
Thank you so much for the well wishes, and your profound thoughts here.
Your connection between fear and beliefs is well presented, and you’re certainly right that it’s the case for many people. Our hope is that by presenting some facts, and some ideas to chew on, that people will have the tools to overcome some of their fears and not let them run their lives anymore… at least, we are fairly certain that most people who read this blog are either tired of letting their fears rule their lives, or have already moved past that trap and understand that the only way to get rid of fear is to face it (“feel the fear and do it anyway”… or, as a life coach and radio host named Christen Resmo once told me in an interview, “fear means go, wall means jump.” I found that very profound… her analogy came from watching horses jumping over walls, who never give it a second thought before sailing effortlessly over it, unlike humans who often let any little roadblock stop them in their tracks).
That said, we’re not suggesting people get obsessed with the bigger picture of how the world works, or become activists against something they can’t control… the message is to understand, acknowledge and accept it, and to manifest your own “small picture” reality within the framework of that “big picture”, knowing you are not responsible for it, nor need it “control” you just because you can’t “control” it.
Oh, and by the way, I always say that if people get one daily message email, Mike Dooley’s Notes from the Universe should be it.
In the ever-evolving world of “coincidences”, I read your blog post just a few minutes after reading Robert Ringer’s post (his Voice of Sanity is one of the few that resonates to my libertarian viewpoint, although I do not agree with everything he says). I am attracted to people who are thinkers . . . that is, they present something that my mind (and spirit) can try on for size, without judging the presenter, but rather what does it bring up for me? When a person refuses to listen to an idea that may be contrary to their belief system, it just points out even more WHY they DO need to listen to the contrary idea. Any tenet worth forming the bedrock of one’s values and beliefs can easily stand up to a different view. However, when we are angry or fearful, it probably is telling us we are involved with what Debbie Ford calls “the beachball effect.” In other words, we have suppressed these other ideas or beliefs in hopes that we can keep those negative traits submerged under the water forever. Good luck in that pursuit!
I do get the TUT messages on Monday & Friday (days when my emails are a bit less than Tu, Wed., & Thurs), Bob Proctor’s and the Abraham-Hicks (quotes from their past seminars that bring up relevant questions to my mind, rather than cover over my feelings with “happy talk”), but I am drawn to sites such as yours that challenge my thinking on a continual basis (also one of the reasons I get so much out of Guy Finley’s weekly messages). I am not looking for people to tell me what I already know or to validate my feelings and beliefs (that is MY responsibility!), but I do get pretty “jazzed” when someone like Gregg Braden or James Ray or Deepak Chopra can bring some scientific information to the fore to augment some of my spiritual seeking.
I am not looking for a guru, but want to be exposed to wisdom from a variety of sources and perspectives. I try to be compassionate to others (AND myself) in those times when fear has gotten the upper hand. I try to remind myself that is important to look at the “gift” whenever these fear-based emotions arrive, and not try and pretend I am enlightened beyond such “base emotions.” I am doing a better job of catching myself in the throes of unempowered thinking and feeling, and for that, I am grateful. After all, this life (on this plane and others) is a process, and I am happy and thankful to be allowed to participate. I appreciate your contributions to the process, and you can rest assured, I will not stop listening . . . even when I disagree.
Thanks, and congratulations on your “new arrival” that you manifested.
Barry and Heather,
You are making such a powerful point. I myself am a recovering “light chaser” who gravitated to the feel-good, touch-feely stuff touted by many in the spiritual/personal development communities.
To be fair to myself, I have always been really sensitive to energy and can not only feel the energy of a person, place or group instantly, but absorb it too. That has been extremely challenging and felt quite harsh at various times in my life. So it was really easy to favour the feel-good teachers and teachings and avoid the rest. It was actually quite a relief when I first started studying this stuff to be in an environment that focused on the “positive.”
It was not, however, a sustainable way of being. As my awareness grew, I realized that my tendency to avoid the negative energies on the outside was cutting me off from whole parts of myself on the inside. Energy wasn’t flowing right.
Thankfully, my insatiable desire to go beyond my own fear and conditioning led me to teachers – Eckhart Tolle is one who taught me a lot early on in this realization – who encourage staying present with whatever is occurring within or without, observing it and giving it the space to be what it is rather than identifying with it, or rejecting it outright.
It can be a bit tricky because I believe the nature of the Soul/Higher Self is loving, joyful and free. There have been many times when I have felt the perfection and beauty of my soul, whether, for example, in a lovely nature setting or during meditation.
The challenge comes when the ego attaches to those feelings and insist on things being a certain way – or avoiding certain people, issues or situations – to attempt to sustain or recreate them.
I am thankful for messages like yours and teachers whose message is about being willing to address all aspects of the self and life – especially those who offer with practical ways to do so while in the thick of a challenge.
Keep up the great work – your message makes a difference!!!
P.S. I also receive Mike Dooley’s Notes from the Universe. They are priceless! ๐