Why People Have Money Problems

Recently we asked our paid-up Wealth Vault members to take a quick survey — one that would allow us to gauge where they’re at with their financial growth, what they want to see more, their mindset towards actually putting our investment research to use, etc.

We weren’t surprised that we received several comments from members about not having enough discretionary capital to invest. However, we also had a member mention that she wanted to be able to replace her current income and eventually become a full-time passive investor, so here’s our take on this…

[ NOTE: This is an excerpt from our 2010 Survey wrap-up — my and Brad’s commentary to our members about the key responses that kept popping up. We’re passing it on here, as it will lead to another point, so keep reading… ]

Start excerpt:

If you want to replace your income and be a full-time passive or active investor… OR if you want to have more investment capital to use in various investment-vehicles (IVs)… then you’ve got a couple of primary paths you can take:

#1) You can trade more time for someone else’s money (at a job), which is our least favorite option — as you have absolutely no leverage.

#2) Or you can generate more cash-flow to use for investing (like we do) by starting a part-time business on the side, or growing an existing business. Owning a business and investing in passive IVs from a portion of your profits is the smartest way — in our opinion — to use leverage in the most optimal way.

>> Do you have a particular passion or an expertise that the world needs?

>> Are there any problems you love to solve?

>> Are any of these related to the three highest in-demand and highly-paid markets (money, health, or relationships)?

The simple truth is that if you want to make more money (outside of slaving for someone else your whole life), then you’ve gotta find a way to add value to the world or solve a problem

And if you don’t want to solve it yourself, hook up with someone else who’s already doing it, and refer business to them. That’s what referral or affiliate programs allow you to do.

End excerpt:

[ If you’d like to apply for our LWL affiliate program, go here… ]

Now, what do you do if you don’t have any list, any knowledge of how or where to advertise, or going further with the thought:  you’re on monetary fumes anyway… so, you can’t pay to advertise?

Just what the heck do you do, if you want something so bad (i.e., a home-based business, passive cash-flow, or just a better lifestyle), but you FEEL you’ll just keep striving, without results?

Well, the video below is one of the best visual representations of DETERMINATION that I’ve ever seen.

It’s an example of doing what it takes to get it done… plain and simple!

You have a dream… you chase it. You have a goal… you make it. You have an opportunity… you take it. Nothing can satisfy hunger for a lion until he reaches his goal (and gets his reward).


* * *

ALWAYS REMEMBER: There’s never a money problem: just an idea, creativity, and/or execution problem.

And, as the video above shows, it’s DETERMINATION that “sparks” the above three in the first place.

Enjoy your weekend.


Filed under: Determination, Financial Freedom, Personal Achievement

One Response to “Why People Have Money Problems”

  1. Excellent video.Inspired by Roger Kelly,s
    I used to go on and on

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