Meet A Boy Named Milo

Hey, cool… technology at its most interactive and personal.

A shout out to Harris Fellman (aka Santa Sal’s Cousin) for passing this video on.

By the way, if you’re the least bit curious about HOW to create profit-pulling QUALITY content through the power of conversation, don’t miss the Interviewing Unwrapped “Live” Simulcast with Harris and Heather on June 8th, 8pm EDT.

You can sign up here

* * *

Life is part of a continual process of exploration with not just ourselves, but with “others” too.

And when you strip away all the fluff, hyperbole, and timid behind-the-computer communication, you’re only left with fresh, candid, uncensored conversation.

That basis is the root for nearly everything we do !


Filed under: Videos

One Response to “Meet A Boy Named Milo”

  1. Very good blog, I’m on to discover some more cool articles here!

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