LWL Tools — Post #2

If you haven’t yet read our reasoning / push / commitment for posting more brief, frequent posts that cut directly to a resource, contact, interview, or recommended vendor, read the introduction here.

[ TOOL 2A ] – $1000s Of Free Self-Improvement Gifts!

It’s time to get your hands on the largest selection of Self Improvement Gifts that you will find anywhere!

Stephanie Mulac predicted that this 3rd annual massive Giveaway Event would be her best yet — and she has made good on her word!

The lineup of gifts we’ve seen are some of the most powerful Self Improvement products on the market today — thousands of dollars worth of products, services, e-books, audio, video, memberships, courses and more — all geared toward improving your life and business endeavors!

You can go Download all of these products TODAY right here!

We’ve even added a popular 3-interview package of our own that’s valued at over $90 — The Renegade Growth Pak (details — don’t order from that link though) is yours at no charge when you enter Stephanie’s giveaway site here. (If you’ve already ordered access to our RGP, don’t worry… you’ll find plenty of top-notch gifts besides just the ones we’re giving access to)…

* * * * *

And, as the U.S. election today ended in a win for a man who pushed a message of “Change” and “Yes We Can”, here’s a great chance for us to give you a bit of a different slant on how YOU can be a part of that change and make a difference.

This isn’t about changing the world, it’s about changing something far more important…


It’s time to internalize ourselves and fight back by getting stronger, growing from the inside out and making a difference in our own lives by tackling the challenges we face!

Accessing the gifts at Stephanie’s site above is a good place to start.

[ TOOL 2B ] – The ONE-Minute Cure

In early September of this year, we sent out an email practically shouting out the following:

YOUR BODY IS YOUR MOST PRECIOUS POSSESSION!… Without it, nothing else matters — your career, your relationships or your financial condition.

It was prompted by another person in our life being diagnosed with cancer… and even a few we know that are near death’s door (we don’t mind stating that we’re tired of seeing friends, family members and acquaintances arrive for a long stay in the hospital or six feet under way before their time).

Sure, our Harmonic Healing CD is a great easy-to-use tool that spurs on vibrations that bring the energy vibration of your brain back to its natural, harmonious state — so your body can fend off illness and overcome disease — but we’re not claiming it’s a cure-all!

Yet, we recently came across a 5-minute video called The Cancer Cure That Works.

It’s the preview to a book called The One Minute Cure.

This book reveals a one-minute therapy, which *anyone* can easily self-administer at home… a scientifically proven natural therapy that is being deliberately suppressed in the U.S. — while more than 15,000 European doctors have been using it to heal millions of patients.

If you know anyone who’s suffering from cancer, you must watch this 5-minute video titled “The Cancer Cure That Works:  The Video That the Pharmaceutical Industry Doesn’t Want You to Watch.”


When this video was first put online, it circled the globe and was viewed by people in all continents within a matter of 31 minutes.  It has gotten over 116,000 views in the last couple of weeks alone.

Don’t forget to send this blog post to everyone you know who has cancer (even those who are in remission). It’s that important.  You might even end up saving someone’s life.

Groundbreaking Healing Information

Your Partners in the Quest For
Living a Life Without Limits,

Barry and Heather

Filed under: GIFTS, Health & Wellness, LWLTools.com

4 Responses to “LWL Tools — Post #2”

  1. Hi – Have either of you two used The ONE-Minute Cure? I did watch the video. I am curious but skeptical.

  2. Mattie, we most certainly WOULD order the book and SEE, with an open-mind and hopeful energy, what it’s recommended solution is IF we had a debilitating disease, such as Cancer.

    No self-imposed, highly-limiting thought such as: “I don’t believe in this” or “I’m doubtful” (i.e., Skepticism ) would ever prevent us from seeing the possibilities that life has to offer us.

    By the way, “Skepticism” has killed more dreams, more visions of grandeur, more plans for prosperity and health than any so-called disease.

  3. I have looked at the website for the one minute cure and I am sure it is about oxygen therapy. While I am sure the report is good, you can get get plenty of information about this on the web if you search for Hydrogen Peroxide therapy or oxygen therapy. One site I particurlarly like is earthclinic, but there are plebty of sites out there.

  4. Hi Barry & Heather,

    Am enjoying lots of stuff on your site 🙂 Tks!

    However, I find it interesting that you say: “No self-imposed, highly-limiting thought such as: “I don’t believe in this” or “I’m doubtful” (i.e., Skepticism ) would ever prevent us from seeing the possibilities that life has to offer us.” If this book (promoted on your website) is legitimate and hits its mark, then your reluctance to investigate it just because you think you don’t have cancer (yet?) seems — to me — to question your credibility as investigators and believers in what you promote, and its value.

    On the “possibility” alone that it will help my body heal itself and “tweak” me to optimum health, I think it might be worth the $ gamble.

    It does seem to me that they drone on ad nauseum about what many of us already suspected or know. I wish they’d just get to the point. I have more important reading material on your site to get through :0)


    [Heather’s REPLY]

    Hi Wendy,

    I see you’re a fellow Canadian… welcome to our community! 😉

    The point we’re making in the other comment that you’re referring to is that if we have something physical to fix in ourselves (and we often do, like anyone else) we stop at nothing to fix that problem, regardless of how skeptical others might be at the process. We investigate with an open mind.

    We’re pretty sure we already know what the “one-minute cure” is, and I’ve already done it, several years ago. I can’t say it did much for me, as I wasn’t sick… but I tried to get my former brother-in-law, who DID have serious cancer, to try it as well. He didn’t want to bother, so I never got a definitive first-hand answer on whether it works for sure.

    Hence, we can’t say “go try this, it works just like they say it will”. If we don’t have cancer, or some other serious disease (HIV, hepatitis, etc.) then we really can’t (and won’t) make any claims. BTW our friends who have cancer currently also don’t want to try it, as they’ve been brainwashed by the mainstream medical field to stick with chemo and surgery.

    Okay, fine… we can’t and don’t want to force anyone to do anything. But we certainly shared this website with them and hoped they might give it a shot. We have heard many fascinating stories of people curing themselves with a simple shift in emotions, or a physical alternative cure like this, and would certainly love for one of our acquaintances to become another success story. Alas, you can only change yourself, not others.

    So we don’t feel we’re lessening any credibility by sharing this with our open-minded community, many of whom may very well be ready to try a cure like this. If it helps someone, we’ve achieved our goal. If nobody wants to give it a shot, that’s their choice.

    Again, we can’t force anyone, and we can’t give a proper assessment of a cure if we don’t have the disease in question.

    Hope that clears things up for you.


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