The Erosion of Free Thought?

♦  ♦  ♦ As you know by now, we do our part (it’s a pleasure, really) to provoke thought… often, more by sharing the absurdities of life rather than the gloss-covered mind-tricks and media-fed ideologies that you’re exposed to every day. Our stance is simple: the more honest, open, and accepting you are to what […]

Filed under: Mind Control, Personal Achievement, Self-Sabotage | 2 Comments

Ruffle More Feathers… And Fly!

♦  ♦  ♦ Last summer, Barry and I were looking for a couple of room dividers for the house we were about to move into, because the living room was one big open space, and we wanted to section off a corner. We saw a pair we liked, but the price was a little steep, […]

Filed under: Critical-Thinking, Personal Achievement | 12 Comments

Reach For The Stars, Or Stay in a Rut

We like watching America’s Got Talent because it showcases people who are dedicated to grooming their gifts, giving value to the world, and trying to achieve what they want to do. It’s easy to say you want something… but much harder to follow through. And as a goalsetting expert we once interviewed said, “Behavior doesn’t […]

Filed under: Personal Achievement, Self-Sabotage | No Comments

Fake Happiness, Raw Growth, & The Next ‘Harry Potter’

Candid Camera was a popular television program in the US in the 1960s. The program used real-world experiments in social psychology as the source of its humorous scenarios. The resulting programs were not only entertaining, but also instructive. For example, how independent is the average person when confronted with the all-powerful “consensus of the group?” […]

Filed under: Happiness / Fulfillment, Personal Achievement | 9 Comments

What’ya Doing With Your 24 Hours?

On Sunday, we talked about taking the  journey of life with YOUR eyes wide open — as in, yes, absolutely, DO explore with fascination, but LIVE too, while you’re doing it. Some might say we’re pretty opinionated about HOW we “think” others — our readers, seekers, self-improvement proponents — should take that journey. We’re not […]

Filed under: Personal Achievement, Time Management | 5 Comments

It’s Time For A Reality Check — Are You Ready?

Let’s lay our cards on the table, shall we? The best investment you can make is in YOURSELF! Yet unlike a car, when tuning up YOU, it isn’t just about oiling, tweaking, or replacing one thing. Nope, true inside-out transformation isn’t just about ONE genre of growth (for instance:  bliss, enlightenment, gratitude enhancement, etc. ). […]

Filed under: Personal Achievement, Prosperity Mind / Wealth Creation | 2 Comments

Us… Interviewing a Pitbull?

You’ve probably heard of the Dog Whisperer… But not so likely the Dog Interviewers. It’s going to be quite a feat, but on Thur, Jan. 15th, 2009, at 9pm EST, we’re actually going to put The Pitbull of Personal Development on the hot seat. This pitbull is otherwise known as Larry Winget, the bestselling author […]

Filed under: Interviews, Personal Achievement, Prosperity Mind / Wealth Creation | 6 Comments


Robert Ringer sent out a pretty amusing FIRST paragraph on his “Voice of Sanity” newsletter today. Funny because it reminded us of precisely how there can be such black and white dissonant beliefs when it comes to HOW writing about self-empowerment and spiritual-growth SHOULD be. While we don’t mind being ostracized by some of our […]

Filed under: Critical-Thinking, Manifestation, Personal Achievement | 5 Comments

LWL Tools — Life Accelerated!

It’s come to our attention — more vividly than ever now — that YOU want information in ways we haven’t been delivering it to you. Before I get into that (briefly — more on that too), a big heartfelt “Thank You” from Heather and I for greeting Konan into the world.  One day, he’ll look […]

Filed under: Personal Achievement | 7 Comments

( VIDEO ) — See The Field

Here’s a quick pop-quiz for you: What character, in what movie, eloquently uttered these lines ? “… there’s a perfect shot out there trying to find each and every one of us. What we have to do is get ourselves out of its way. Let it choose us.” Okay, no problem if it doesn’t immediately […]

Filed under: Meditation, Personal Achievement, Videos | 22 Comments