Giving Thanks And Getting Desires

Today in the United States, it’s Thanksgiving. Obviously, from the name, we know it’s about giving thanks… but the actual day is really not that important. In fact, I’ve spent my whole life up until now living in Canada, where Thanksgiving is celebrated more than six weeks earlier, on the second Monday in October.

So the date isn’t important… because we can give thanks any day of the year. And in fact, to truly manifest the life of your dreams, giving thanks every day of the year is a powerful tool to use.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

– Melody Beattie

One of our best-loved interviewees from Masters of the Secret, Dr. John F. Demartini, is a master of gratitude. If you watched The Secret, you’ll remember him saying, “What you think about, and thank about, you bring about.”

But his knowledge and understanding goes so much deeper than that.

We’re about to give you a simple yet profound exercise to give you first-hand evidence of the power of gratitude… but first, go ahead and enjoy this short clip of Dr. D. being interviewed on the topic of gratitude, with a unique perspective thrown in:


Okay, ready to pump this up in your own life? Just click the link below to continue…

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Our friend Warren Whitlock just sent Barry and I a book called “WithInAsThru You! The Handbook: A Guide & Journey Companion To Live On Purpose, LIFE as You Choose IT to BE” by A. S. Kurslf. And I’m grateful for the book… thank you, Warren!

In it there’s a whole chapter on gratitude, but what stood out for me the most was a little exercise that shows you, with no ambiguity, the importance of gratitude when it comes to manifesting the life of your dreams, so I’d like to share that exercise with you:

Why IS Being Grateful Integral?

Take a moment to imagine what you desire most — what circumstances, what situations, what experiences. Perhaps you desire a loving relationship. Imagine this relationship in detail. Desire it. Feel it. See it vividly in your mind. Ask the universe, out loud, right now, to bring this desire to you.

You could leave it at that. You could. And the universe would respond in its part. However, when you add gratitude to the mix, your power to create increases tenfold, perhaps even a hundredfold.

Do the exercise again. Imagine your desired experience exactly as before. Now, at the end, add gratitude. Let it fill your heart. Imagine exactly just how grateful you’d feel if you had that experience right now. Be grateful, because that experience is on its way to you, pulled ever more quickly by the gratitude you emanate.

While gratitude is an integral step in creating your life as you choose to live it, it’s also integral to tending your garden, to re-aligning your magnet, and to clearing out any negating that may be repelling that which you desire.

Engage the power of neutrality when you begin blaming, complaining, or attacking. Engage the observer, then find your gratitude. A moment before you may have been lost in a sea of confusion, but after you’ve taken three breaths and allowed gratitude to move in, you’re clearer than you ever thought possible.

We have received many emails and audience questions on live calls that revolve around, “How do I stop myself from resisting what I’m trying to manifest?” Well, resistance usually comes from doubt or fear… but if you tap into the feeling of gratitude as outlined in the exercise above, you’ll find you have no room for fear or doubt in your heart, as long as it’s filled with gratitude.

In fact, you can use the tool of gratitude many times throughout the day, and you’ll be amazed at the results.

Don’t like having to pay bills? Be grateful for the pleasures you received that you are now expressing appreciation for by paying those bills.

Don’t like arguing with your spouse? Be grateful for the loving, caring feelings you get from them when things are going great.

Don’t like cooking meals? Be grateful for the food that offers you and your family the nourishment you all need.

Don’t like cleaning the house? Be grateful for a wonderful place to live that gives you shelter from the elements and allows you to be safe.

The more gratitude you can inject into your day, the more you’ll awaken your magnetic manifesting ability to bring you more to be grateful for.

Now that you’ve got the spirit of gratitude flowing through your body, tell us your thoughts on how you like to show it. We’ve got a new poll posted on the LWL Worldwide home page where you can answer the following question, and see the results from others:

What method do you use MOST to express your gratitude to those that deserve it?

Thank you for being you… and participating in our poll!

And tomorrow, we shower you with more thanks!

Your Partner in the Quest For
Living a Life Without Limits,

Heather ValeĀ 

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Filed under: Gratitude, Manifestation Tools

8 Responses to “Giving Thanks And Getting Desires”

  1. […] I just shared a video and a powerful exercise over on the LWL Worldwide blog that shows you why gratitude is so important to manifesting what you want… so I’d like […]

  2. My heartfelt sincerity expressed so eloquently to the people in my life that make me happy

  3. Hi, I would like to know, how can I express gratitude if I feel alone because the relationships haven’t been very well lately and I like to enjoy my freedom, but when is already long time ago since you had somebody you start feelig alone and sad.

    thanks a lot for sharing all this with us.

  4. WOW! This morning started out with a call from a friend who just finished the book The Law Of Attraction. Her excitement fueling to the end of my day when receiving an email from lwl. So here I am fully grateful for friends steering me in the right direction (again). Thank you for the lovely videos to watch on this site, reminding me again that what I focus on strengthens those neural pathways in the brain. Bless you all.

  5. Thank you Heather !

    We ALL are grateful. It is a wonderful message.


  6. I have throughly enjoyed all that I have experienced on your website…thanks so much for all that you are a doing for us all, here on planet Earth…

    love, light and peace always…
    see this website…it isn’t mine, yet I love to give it to the world that hasn’t seen it…

  7. excuse me…the website that I gave you isn’t the one I thought it was…try this one instead…
    thanks again

  8. I am so happy and grateful now that I am living this magical life. Thanks for my spiriti who drives me in the right direction. Thanks for my husband who is a wonderful man. Thanks for my 3 kids. Thanks for my special abilities, thanks for my special talents, thanks for being so happy just being my self!!!!!!!!!!!

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